Smoke & Lightning: Whatever Comes Our Way (26/?)

Apr 11, 2012 21:27

Title: Smoke & Lightning : Whatever Comes Our Way (26/?)
Authors: eviltwin and bloody_adorable
Fandoms: Supernatural RPS AU
Pairing: Jensen Ackles / Jared Padalecki.
Wordcount: 2,495
Rating: Adult.
Summary: The boys have a new family and face a whole new set of challenges and possibilities. But they can handle it.
Disclaimer: None of the following is true in any way, and no profit is made from this work of fiction.

( master post)

Jensen watched Jared gear up for the ride on the bike. “Are you going to tell me where we're going?” he asked, hoping for even the slightest hint.


Frowning, Jensen zipped up his own jacket and started tugging on his gloves. “Why aren't we taking the car? It'd be warmer, you know.”

Jared pulled on his helmet, buckling it under his chin. “Because I want it to be like the old days,” he explained. “Just you, me, and the bike.”

Jensen watched him, a smile growing over his face. “Sap,” he teased.

“Girl,” Jared winked.

That only made Jensen laugh, shaking his head. “Are we doing something...hourly?”

Jared knew that Jensen could tell he was smiling, even though the helmet made only his eyes visible.

“Jared,” Jensen almost complained. “Really? Another sleazy motel?”

“Relax,” he told him. “What I have planned will only take a couple hours.” He swung his leg over the bike and settled into the seat.

Jensen pulled his own helmet on, buckling it, all the while making a face at Jared. “Pretty sure of yourself,” he said, not really loud enough for the other man to hear. He got on the back of the bike, resting against Jared's strong frame. He felt Jared's gloved hand pat at his leg, silently telling him to hold on. The bike took off, moving carefully down the dirt road. Once they hit the pavement, though, Jared was his usual self, kicking the bike up several notches. Jensen fully trusted him, though, and didn't nag him to slow down.

Surprising Jensen, they pulled into the mall. He frowned and smiled at the same time, his brain not able to picture Jared wanting to mall-walk or people-watch. When they were parked, both tugging their helmets off, Jensen cleared his throat and looked up at the buildings.

“Really?” he asked. “The mall?”

“What, you don't want to go find Tiffany and Heather, and go to the BOGO sale at Nordstroms?” Jared teased.

Jensen laughed. “Shut up,” he said. His smile faded for a moment, and he thought of some things they could use for the house. Bath sheets, some odds and ends for the kitchen, a new bedspread for Hannah's room. “Is Nordstrom's having a sale?”

That made Jared laugh, this time. He put his arm around Jensen's shoulders and pulled him towards the mall. “God, you're so fucking easy.”

“Alright,” Jensen said as they walked. “So what are we doing here?”

Waving his hand at the mall entrance, Jared smiled down at him. “I thought we'd see a movie. And after that, I thought a picnic would be nice.”

Jensen chuckled. “It's freezing out,” he said.

“Well, lucky for you, I know a way you can keep warm.” His grip on Jensen tightened, pulling him in even closer.

“Good point,” he returned. “Alright, so what do you want to see?”

“Whatever you want to,” Jared answered.

Jensen eyed him for a moment, as best he could in this close proximity. “Do I get to watch the movie, or do you have ulterior motives?”

He chuckled, shaking his head. “You are one-hundred-percent free to watch the movie,” he told him. “Well, maybe ninety-five.”

Jensen smiled. Whenever they went to see a movie, when they were just watching TV at home, whether the kids were with them or not, Jared liked to keep some part of his body touching Jensen's. A foot at the small of Jensen's back, wedged between the cushions of the sofa. A hand at his shoulder, arm draped across the back of the couch. It was comforting. Jensen picked out the movie, they got their tickets and as soon as they were seated in the comfortable chairs of the theater, Jensen felt Jared's hand come to rest on his thigh. He smiled, glancing the man's way. Jared didn't seem to notice, staring up at the movie previews on the big screen.

An hour-and-a-half later, they were walking out of the theater, Jared tossing his empty drink cup into the trash. Jensen heard someone snickering behind them and turned to see what was going on. Unfortunately, he found that some young, tough-looking men were laughing at them as they followed them out of the theater.

Jared must have noticed them too. He turned and walked backwards, all six-foot-five, two-hundred and thirty pounds of him all puffed up and ready for a fight. “You got somethin' you want to say, gorgeous?” he asked.

The young men's smiles faded as they gazed at Jared. They must not have been willing to risk a fight with Jared, because they didn't say anything else, but mumbled quietly to each other. It was Jared's turn to smile. He turned back around and kept walking beside Jensen.

“Think they'll just let it go?” Jensen asked.

“You gotta stop living with one eye looking behind you, Jen,” he said. “If they come at us, we'll deal with it. You know you can hold your own in a fight.”

“I can,” he agreed. “Doesn't mean I want to.”

Jared smiled and leaned down into Jensen's face, speaking softly. “Then, don't worry about it,” he breathed. “Come on. I'm starving.”

Jared picked one of the prettiest locations for their picnic. It was quiet there - no one else was out because of the weather, save for the occasional person walking their dog. The wind was gusting a little more than usual, which made it absolutely freezing, but Jensen tried not to complain. In the bike's saddle bags, they had coffee, simple sandwiches, some chips and a package of Oreos. After they put down a blanket that was also in the saddle bags, the first thing Jared ate was about four Oreos, then delved into his sandwich.

“This was nice,” Jensen said, sipping at a cup of coffee from the Thermos.

“Liar,” Jared grinned. “You're freezing to fucking death.”

Chuckling, Jensen nodded his head. “I am,” he agreed. “But I'm glad I'm with you, if this is how I have to go.”

That made Jared laugh louder. As he lay sprawled out on the blanket, he eyed Jensen for a few more minutes as he ate another Oreo. “We'll go home soon, I promise.”

Shivering, Jensen tucked his hands between his knees and tried to keep warm. He sat “criss-cross-applesauce” as he told the kids, and the pocket his legs made was suprisingly warm. “Why did we do this, anyway?” he asked.

“Because,” Jared said, sitting up from his reclining position. “Because I know I'm an asshole to be around sometimes.”

“Jay,” he said, almost scolding.

“It's okay, Jen,” he said. “I just want you to know how much I love you. How much I love our life.”

Jensen smiled at him. “Well, the feeling's mutual,” he told him.

“Although,” Jared began, clearing his throat as he picked up some of their picnic mess. “If you wanted to add that Hunger Games chick - what was her name? Cat piss?”

“Katniss,” Jensen corrected with a chuckle.

“Yeah, if you wanted to add her, or the guy that went to the Games with her, I'd be okay with that.”

“Ha, ha,” he mock-laughed. “I don't think so. If we add anyone, it'll be the one that played Gale.”

“Ooh,” Jared lowed. “Like 'em big and strapping, do you?”

“Yes, I do,” he agreed.

Jared crawled over to Jensen, pushing him back on the blanket, setting one hand at either side of Jensen's head and hovering over him. “I like them young and innocent looking,” he said, staring right into Jensen's eyes.

Jensen returned the gaze, a smile upon his face. He reached up and touched Jared's cheek, gently pulling him into a kiss, still smiling against Jared's lips. Jared had let his scruff grow out quite a bit, now that the colder weather was approaching. Jensen liked it. When Jared backed away and told him that it was time to go, Jensen was quick to help get the trash thrown away, and the saddle bags packed. He gladly put his arms around Jared as they sped off towards home, trying to soak up as much body heat from the man as he could.

By the time they got home, Kenzie had a pot of coffee made, and had two homemade pizzas in the oven. Hannah was in a wheelchair, her leg propped so that it was held out straight. She had on an apron, her face smeared with flour and pizza sauce. Jared and Jensen burst through the back door that led directly into the kitchen, and laughed at the sight of the little girl.

“Whoa,” Jared chuckled. He put his helmet and gloves down, but didn't bother to take any of his gear off. He had to hug his daughter first. “You look like you've been busy.”

Hannah's smile was bright. “We made pizza,” she said, her arms around Jared's neck.

“I smell,” he nodded. “I am starving.”

“You always are,” Jensen teased.

Jared gave Hannah a kiss, chuckling at her squeals. “Dad!” she almost complained, even though it was done with joy. “I like your beard, Dad. Don't shave.”

He chuckled again and rubbed his cheek against hers. She squealed and pushed him away. His next stop was Kenzie, leaning down to press a kiss against her cheek too.

“Ooh, I like the beard too,” she giggled.

“You're used to that,” Jared said. “Phin's got that damn goatee all the time.”

She mumbled in agreement, patting Jared's scruffy face.

“Where's Matty?” Jensen asked, over by the door as he tugged his boots off.

“Oh, slight mishap with the cheese grater,” Kenzie said. “He was up getting a bandaid for his knuckle.”

“Ooh,” Jensen winced. “I've been there. I'll check on him in a second.”

“I hope you're hungry,” she told him, even though she'd heard Jared's earlier comment about being starving. “We made a sausage and mushroom for you, cheese for Jensen, and then two pepperoni.”

“Jesus,” Jared breathed, finally moving back to the door to remove his boots and leather gear. “Where's the Army?”

Kenzie chuckled. “Jeff and Stevie are coming over,” she said. “They wanted to bring the kids over to play for awhile.”

“Oh, okay,” Jensen agreed. He was already out of his gear and padding into the kitchen in his sock feet. He reached for the pile of sliced pepperoni and stole a few slices. “No Phin?”

“Yeah, he might be over later. Mom said something about stopping by today, but she hasn't.”

He moved to the fridge, opening the door and gazing inside. “Probably got tied up with work,” he said.

“Don't eat anything,” Kenzie warned. “The pizza will be done in, like, ten minutes.”

“Oh, okay. Can I at least have some coffee?”

“Yes,” she agreed with a bright grin. “I figured you guys'd be freezing after that ride.”

“We are, but it was worth it,” Jared said.

Fixing his coffee at the counter, Jensen tested it to make sure he had just the right amount of cream and sugar. His sip was almost interrupted by the ringing of his phone. He set the coffee down and dug into his pocket for his phone. Answering it, he set the cup aside for a little while. “Hello? Hey, what's going on?”

The room became slightly more hushed. Jared mumbled to Jensen as he walked past him, telling him that he would go check on Matty instead. Jensen nodded to him, giving him a thumbs up.

“Sure, I've heard of it,” Jensen said into the phone. “What about it?”

It was quiet for a few more minutes, Jensen listening intently. Jared must have fixed Matty up in a hurry - or the boy was already fine when he found him - because Matty was there, in the kitchen to help Kenzie check on the pizzas.

“What?” Jensen said, sounding as though he highly disbelieved what was being told. “Who got bribed for that?”

Jared came down the stairs, telling Kenzie that Matty was getting too old to be living in the house. Matty laughed and disagreed, but Jared teased further, saying that if he could bandage up his own cooking wounds, he was getting pretty up there.

“Why did my name get dragged into this?” Jensen asked the caller.

Jared's smile faded, and he looked over at Jensen, concern in his gaze. He moved closer, watching Jensen's face.

Jensen glanced at him for a second, shaking his head. “I don't believe this,” he said. “When did you hear about this?” He listened, nodding his head even though the caller couldn't see him. “No, I'm just surprised, that's all.” He pulled the phone away from his ear, glancing at the screen. Someone else was calling, their number popping up on the display. “Hey, I gotta call you later,” Jensen said, after replacing the phone to his ear. “Okay, thanks.” He pushed a button on the phone and set it at his ear yet again. “Hey, John.”

Jared didn't need any further words. He moved to the kitchen cupboard, retrieved a travel mug, and poured Jensen's coffee into it. He added some more, along with a spoonful of cream and one of sugar, then capped it. He set it on the kitchen island next to his partner, and waited.

“Oh, man,” Jensen breathed. “Alright, I'll be there in a few. Yep, see you.” He hung up the phone and huffed a huge sigh. “I gotta go. There was a huge accident on the highway. Head-on with a Mack truck. I probably won't be home tonight.”

Jared nodded. “Okay,” he agreed. “Take your coffee.”

“Thanks.” He sounded reserved, as if he already knew what was waiting for him at the hospital, and it wasn't pretty.

“And call later,” Jared continued. “I'll come get you, if you're too tired to drive.”

“I might,” he agreed. He pulled on his coat and grabbed the keys to the car. “Thanks, Kenzie, for making dinner. Sorry I couldn't stay for it. Stay the night tonight, if you can. Help Jay out?”

“Hey, I can take care of the kids,” Jared said, not really offended. He liked having Kenzie there, he didn't mind her staying over.

“I know you can,” Jensen smiled. “But with the banana in her state, you might need help.”

“Noted,” he nodded. “Here, don't forget your coffee.” He brought him the travel mug and kissed him. “So, what was that other call about?”

Jensen almost rolled his eyes. “Oh, nothing,” he said. “I'll tell you about it later.”

“Is it bad?”

“No,” he said. “No, it's just...insane. I'll tell you everything later on.”

“Okay.” He watched Jensen go, standing by the door and waiting until the car had pulled out of the driveway before he stepped back inside.

“I hope everything's okay,” Kenzie said, pulling one of the pizzas out of the oven.

“Yeah,” Jared agreed. He massaged the back of his own neck, thinking, wondering what that phone call could have been about. “I'm sure it's fine.”


So, hey. I know our updates and comment answering has been a bit lapsed lately (I WILL get to those replies, but I will say HERE thank you for each and every comment you guys leave us!), but we have one more request for patience. May 1st is the Big Bang 2012 deadline and it is only 19 days away. Myself and Adorable are co-writing a Big Bang fic this year, so our request is this: we'd like to make our next post on this fic on Wednesday, May 2nd, so that we can concentrate fully on making sure we get our rough draft turned in on time. There likely aren't many chapters left of this book as it is, but if you're all cool with waiting a couple weeks longer than normal for us then we'd really appreciate it. ♥ We'll try and get a couple extras up in the meantime, though! And I know we left this chapter on kind of a 'whaaaat?' note, but don't we always? Hehehe.

Love & Hugs,
Evil & Adorable

fic chapter: whatever comes our way, general: important information

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