Jan 05, 2007 07:18
Today really sucked.
I hated it.
I wish it never happened.
I've probably cried 3 times today.
It's been like months since I've done that.
1.] cause my eyebrow got a lil effed up and people made it seem really horrible. but its cool now.
2.] teacher in english pisses me off. i didnt cry just got really pissed. i cant believe they think i should could more about school then work.
3.] i hate myself. i hate myself. i hate myself.
i wish i could change evrything about me.
and not be so ugly and fat anymore.
and dont tell me i'm not cause chances are your my friend and you have to say those things.
even if i was skinny i'd still be really ugly.
and i'll probably always be that way so i should just get used to it now.
i dont know why matt is going out with me, he could do a lot better.
im not worth all the money he spends on me and im never going to get mad at him again for anything cause i should just be happy that he's with me.
i will all the world consisted of was my good friends so we can just hang out all day and have fun. and we could all just be happy.