Nov 27, 2005 00:21

wowww its been awhile since I've posted. So, in honor of this post, I will do a survey thing provided by Jessica :)

10 Favorites...
Favorite Color: purple or blue
Favorite Food: hmm CHiNESE!!!
Favorite Band: don't have one, probably never will
Favorite Movie: ditto. but just to let you all know...DON'T see Just Friends. it SUCKED!
Favorite Sport: tennis! though i havent played a lot lately..sad
Favorite Season: fallish winter. ha i just invented my own season
Favorite Day Of the Week: Friday and Saturday!
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: i must agree with jessica and say cake batter!! OMG its sooo freaking good!! with reeses and oreos = heaven.
Favorite Song: same thing as bands and movies
Favorite Person: i love all my friends and family.

9 Currents...
Current Mood: calm. kinda hungry
Current Taste: iced tea
Current Clothes: jeans and a new white sweater. yay
Current Computer: ick nasty dialup crap bc the laptop sucks
Current Finger/Toenail Color: clear
Current Time: wow. 12:03. i had no idea it was so late.
Current Surroundings: umm random cups and bowls haha
Current Annoyance(s): none!
Current Thought: im hungry

8 Firsts...
First Best Friend: Christy something. ha
First Screen Name: nycstars788, never changed it!
First Pet: kitty :(:(:(
First Piercing: Ears
First Crush: matthew in 4th grade. hehehe
First Music: umm idk.
First time you flew in a plane: i think i was like 9 weeks old. haha
First Love: havent been in love yet! im excited though. haha

7 Lasts
Last Cigarette: eww ive never smoked
Last Drink: iced tea!
Last Car ride: mackie drove me home :)
Last Text Message: to my brother, actually. ha!
Last Movie Seen: Just Friends. INTENSE dissapointment. sooo BAD!
Last Phone call: umm i think i called mackie
Last CD Played: dont remember

6 Have You Ever....
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: not one of my best friends
Have You Ever Broken the Law: umm idk. maybe for something small
Have You Ever Been Arrested: No
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: No
Have You Ever Been on TV: yeah! actually, i passed behind a news thing yesterday. haha
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: ha no!

5 Things....
You Did Last Night:
1. watched tv
2. ate probably
3. umm, slept
4. washed my face?
5. slept more. i obviously had a very boring break.

4 Places You've Been Last...
1. starbucks
2. my house
3. mackies house
4. florida

3 People You Can Tell Anything...
1. arezoo!
2. kelly-anne
3. mackie, maybe

2 Choices...
1. whether or not to get something to eat
2. whether or not to change into pjs. lol

1 last song...
1. idk, BUT. i have found the song that i want to be me and my future husband's "song". It's called "You're My Soul (and My Heart's Inspiration)" by the Righteous Brothers. OMGG I WANT THIS TO BE MY WEDDING SONG. *HAPPINESS*

soooooo yay. that's all!

Ciao for now!
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