Random Shite about latest bleach chapter

Jan 23, 2012 21:37

So yeah. Latest chapter amused me. Mainly because Ichigo is all "I've been gone for over a year, but I can still wander around Seireitei all I want with my gay fullbring collar."

"Yeah, I have big brass balls, who wants to see them again?"

But anyways, by far my favourite part of this chapter is this.

This is so pointless and stupid and I love it to pieces for exactly that reason XD

It's just... Well it's just more proof to me that Kubo reads all of the damn slash we write with these two. Because he adds the randomest little teases with them, just to keep it going.

Like look at Renji, he wants to be like "WTF are you doing here?" he WANTS to say it, but Ichigo says hi so obviously he has to say hi back first.

"Where the hell is my hello kiss, you asshole??" hehe, and a mangrab, just for kicks.

The rest of the chapter was meh. We get to see what happened to a couple characters, which is cool. Ichigo being noble, etc etc, moving on.

Also there is the fucking sexiest faux-hawk/mohawk thing

Is it bad that I kinda want that haircut now and I'm a girl? I kinda want it...

Anyways. Hi everybody. 'Sup? Send me sexy Renji pictures or something, I need a fix. XD I love you all.
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