UNF! and another UNF!

Aug 24, 2011 23:34

Fuck you, Renji. I'd moved on to other fandoms, I'd found other bishies, I was starting to get on with my life after you left.

And now you're back to filling my life with fangasm after glorious fangasm and I discover now that I was never really over you.

You sexy, sexy bastard....

See this?

Do you SEE this sexy motherfucker? Look at that face! He KNOWS what his doing to the fangirls. (*cough*and ichigo*cough*)

Uggh, Kubo why must you make me believe in the OTP again?

With things like THIS:

See that? See how they're looking at each other? Fuck you guys, alright? I hate how hot you are together. I HATE you.


Save me from myself...
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