Title: Satellite Heart Author: ardvari Rating: M Pairing: Sam/Jack Disclaimer: Not mine. Spoilers: Stargate Universe 1x01 Air. A/N: Sequel to Limelight. Just when things start to look up, disaster strikes again- just like always.
I think this is my favorite fic of this perticular series; I love how you managed to fit so many different elembents in the story: Sam and Jack's love, the war, their frustration with the endless combats, even Sam's love for the Hammond. Great piece!
I love how you always manage to write the stories in canon (though I've never seen SGU); but you know, sometimes I just prefer ignoring post s8 canon because it hurts my heart the fact that S/J have always to steal moments for themselves between crises and wars. But of course I don't own S/J otherwise they'd never get out from that cabin! :P I've been always looking for your fics! Thanks for keeping S/J love alive!
There's no such thing as backwards in my world. You're just looking at these from a different perspective so... let me know how you feel when you're at the lastfirst pert. :p
Comments 8
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Can't wait for the next one :)
Thanks for the comment!
I've been always looking for your fics! Thanks for keeping S/J love alive!
Glad you liked it! Thanks for the comment!
There's no such thing as backwards in my world. You're just looking at these from a different perspective so... let me know how you feel when you're at the lastfirst pert. :p
And: Thanks for reading and leaving a comment.
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