On your shore

Jan 25, 2010 00:59

Title: On your shore
Author: ardvari
Rating: PG
Pairing: Original (Lindsay/Jamie)
Beta: princessklutz04, seriously, who else could it be?
Disclaimer: They're mine, and they're fictional!
Author's Notes: I haven't written anything in about a year. Nuts, eh? Ah well, the creative juices seem to be flowing again. YAY!

On your shore

The lights were still on downstairs: small pools of yellow warmth guiding Lindsay home just before midnight. She hated traveling, even more so when she had to do it alone. Flying had long ago lost its mysteriousness, and she no longer looked forward to the moment the plane accelerated and lifted off. Sighing, she pushed open the front door and heaved her suitcase inside.

She had always loved the smell of the house; lemongrass and fresh bread with a hint of burning wood. The fireplace was still warm and Sofia was curled up beside it, too content to acknowledge Lindsay’s presence through more than a cracked eye.

“Nice to see you too, your Highness,” Lindsay whispered, not feeling malicious enough to ruffle Sofia’s impeccably groomed fur.

The kitchen was shrouded in darkness; none of the lights in the hallway could reach further than the threshold. Too tired to find something to eat, she drank water straight from the tap, relishing the feel of the cool water running down her cheek. She wiped her mouth with her sleeve and shook her head in an attempt to get rid of some of the sleepy blur settling over her brain.

Jamie was nowhere to be found downstairs and Lindsay thought back to the phone conversation just before she’d boarded the plane, telling her not to wait up because the plane was delayed. Nonetheless, she’d halfheartedly wished to find Jamie on the couch. Grunting at her selfishness, she finally kicked off her shoes and wandered back through the living room, turning off all the lights on her way to the staircase.

She knew just where to put her feet so the wood wouldn’t creak. One summer afternoon they had tried it out, step by step, Jamie sitting at the top with her eyes closed and Lindsay climbing towards her. She remembered the way Jamie had tried not to blink, giggling whenever she heard the stairs creak, a quick squeak of the old wood before Lindsay could lift her foot again.

Ghosting across the hallway, she went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wipe some of the imaginary road dust off her skin. She didn’t bother to turn the light on; the moonlight reflecting off the ocean was enough to find her way around the familiar room. It sparkled in the appliances, dim stars that stirred with her movements.

She pulled off her clothes and put on pajama pants and a t-shirt that was too big. Her bare feet padded across the hallway and, with her heart doing a couple of quick leaps, she pushed open the door to the bedroom.

Jamie was curled up on the bed, the moonlight spilling across her small form. One arm was hanging off the side of the bed, her fingers uncoiled. She had small hands, musician’s hands, even though she didn’t have the patience for playing an instrument. Instead, her hands frequently rolled out bread dough, changed tires, wiped sand off the back of Lindsay’s legs.

Leaning against the doorframe, Lindsay’s eyes traveled across Jamie’s body, taking in all the parts she knew so well. The slight shoulders under the blanket, the blades of which she loved to trace. She could see them rising and falling steadily, a slow rhythm she took in because it was so reassuring.

Her eyes continued their journey- the dip just before Jamie’s hips, the soft line of her legs. Pushing herself off the doorframe, Lindsay crept closer to watch Jamie’s face. Tendrils of blond hair framed the shell of her ear and fell across her cheek. Long, dark lashes rested against her pale skin and as Lindsay watched on, Jamie wrinkled her eyebrows, as if she was frowning at something in her dreams.

Unable to resist any longer, she kneeled down on the cold floor in front of the bed and reached out to trace the line of Jamie’s nose and down to her lips. Being the light sleeper she was, Jamie opened her eyes. Lindsay left her index finger on her lips, smiling as Jamie kissed the tip of it.

“Hi,” she murmured sleepily.

“Hi,” Lindsay whispered back.

Jamie scooted over on the bed, making room for Lindsay to climb under the covers. The sheets rustled as they tangled their legs together and entwined their hands.

They whispered for a while, giggling at stories of lost hotel reservations and twitchy cats. Fingers tracing along collarbones, they kissed slowly and deeply as the digital clock on the nightstand burned its green numbers into the dark night. Jamie’s fingers played along each knob of Lindsay’s spine just before she fell asleep, Lindsay’s head buried against her neck.

“I’m glad to be home,” Lindsay sighed, her breath warm and gentle on Jamie’s skin as she drifted off to sleep.

stories: original

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