You have a goodbye kiss- much passion and longing,
but never lasting.
What kind of kiss are you? brought to you by
Quizilla It's so true, I'm always saying good-bye these days. I feel like I'll never be happy ever again because everytime I see or talk to someone I love and miss, I know that it'll be a relatively short time until I have to leave again. Well, three and a half more years and I'll never leave again, if I'm still around of course.
I'm learning some really high-speed stuff now that I'm with my unit. They want to make me one of the platoon's new machine gunners. Meaning that, Lucky Drew gets to carry an M-249 Saw. Great. We leave for Ft. Polk, Louisiana in October, We mobilize in November, and we rotate over to Iraq in January or February. The only good thing is that our first sergeant put in for block leave in December so as of right now, I'll be coming home for Christmas. Don't get your hopes up, but lets hope and pray it happens.
I miss you all, life is horribly miserable without you all. If you don't hear from me soon it's not that I don't love you it's just that I don't have the time or means to get to you, but I'm trying and I want you to know that everyone.
I really wish I could've given YOU a good-bye kiss, I miss you.