Dec 18, 2010 19:00
So the handle of my bag broke when I was dragging it through snow yesterday, my train from Lund was an hour and thirty minutes late, my train from Stockholm started forty minutes after schedule, and I was home at 2:30 this morning. Unfortunately not even slightly tired, and cold enough to continually try to kidnap Dante for cuddles. So my trip home went quite well!
Aside from that: I really need to fix my iPod, and get some more recent music on it, I have stuff on there that I haven't really listened to for a couple of years. Tells you how often I use it, doesn't it.
Second is that I now have two (2) books I am absolutely not allowed to read in public because I can't stop myself from crying when I read them.
The first is Appelsinpiken by Jostein Gaarder, because it's closer to me than I would wish it to be, and makes me wish for things I can't have.
The other is The Book Theif.
I read it two years ago, first time. I'm extremely glad I was alone at home when I finished it, because I cried hysterically and made Dante incredibly worried.
I love it though, and the rest of the book was easy to read. I should probably have realised that knowing how it ends would make it much, much harder to read. Didn't though. Bought it for my train ride, to have something to read (either that or The Angel's Game, and I've read that four or five times).
Spent three hours trying not to cry, before I gave up. Fun times.
//Clara, who should go to bed early, and stop trying to make sense.