Nov 23, 2010 21:07
Starting the Christmas season by making chocolate toffee, only half of what I was going to do because I lost feeling in my hands chopping the chocolate. I'll do the rest this weekend or like, when I start craving sweets.
Doubt that will be anytime soon, though, seeing as how I've planned to make gingerbread and saffron buns this Saturday. Gotta have it for Advent, after all. With glögg.
FUN FACT: I am completely incapable of being near gingerbread dough without eating of it. It's delicious, don't look at me like that. So every year when Christmas baking rolls around, I eat enough of it to make me so sick I can barely stand up or move, let alone eat anything (rarely stops me from forcing down delicious freshly baked saffron buns though). Every year I swear I won't do it again.
I have the memory of a goldfish, so it always happens.
But it's seriously delicious, guys. Much, much better than the finished gingerbread, they're just ... gingerbread-y. Not the sticky mess of butter and sugar and spices that is the dough. Of course I still eat gingerbread, I need all the help in the world to become nicer.
I suddenly realised I probably should be listening to Christmas carols. Except I've started to listen to Les Misérable way too many times today without finishing it, SO. Also I don't know if sitting at the kitchen table occasionally running up to see if the toffee hasn't burnt counts as a very Christmassy thing.
aww c'mon it tastes burnt
sort of anyway
almost the right consistency now at least
FINGERS CROSSED let's see how this turns out and if I'm going to have to swear off chocolate toffees for all future. It would be the first time I've messed up a toffee too.
okay maybe stop getting distracted by the computer maybe
//Clara, who will sulk so bad if she messes this up, she wants sweets!