[Fic] For Every Letter in the Alphabet

Jan 28, 2009 23:40

Today I'm a little under the weather but I wanted to leave you guys with something to enjoy; just because I haven't lately. Sorry. But if you've missed me or just happy to see me still alive (or not) please read on and thank you for visiting. ^_^

I guess this was a meme I created ( because I haven't come across one that lets me do this) because I thought it'd be interesting. The Alphabet Meme. Choose a fandom. Then take a dictionary and flip randomly through according to the alphabets. Randomly point to a word and do a one-liner based on or using the word you pointed at. These are the ones I got.

Title: For Every Letter in The Alphabet
Fandom: KAT-TUN
Rating: PG-13 at best

A is for Adulation

[adulation /adjU"leIS(@)n/ · n. excessive admiration. ]

Maru being unaccustomed to it, could only blush speechlessly when Ueda showered him with praises.

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B is for Bad

[(bad for) harmful to.]

Kame could tell that Jin would be bad for his health, but there are things worth the deteriorating state of wellbeing.

C is for Cavil

[cavil /"kav(@)l/ · v. make petty or unnecessary objections.]

Junno really could not understand Jin’s dislike for his passion for fries dipped in rootbeer float.

D is for Disappear

[disappear · v. cease to be visible. Ø cease to exist or be in use.]

Ever since Jin left for LA, Kame is always worried that Jin would disappear from his life forever.

E is for Effeminate

[effeminate /I"fEmIn@t/ · adj. (of a man) having characteristics regarded as typical of a woman.]

Maru feels sorry for Ueda when people call him girly despite being able to sock a mighty right hook, though he has to admit that Ueda looks very beautiful, indeed.

F is for Fluke

[fluke · n. an unlikely chance occurrence, especially a stroke of luck.]

It wasn’t just luck that they all ended up together; they believed it was ‘destiny’.

G is for Gem

[gem · n. 1 a precious or semi-precious stone, especially when cut and polished or engraved.

2 an outstanding person or thing.]

They were lumps of coal put under pressure, evolved into diamonds in the rough and after some polishing, they’ve become priceless.

H is for Haven

[haven · n. a place of safety or refuge.]

At the end of the day, they depend on each other for solace and KAT-TUN have become a safe place for them.

I is for Impetuous

[impetuous · adj. acting or done quickly and rashly.]

When Jin announced to them that he’ll be taking a break from KAT-TUN, they couldn’t help but feel that Jin was being very rash.

J is for Jargon

[jargon1 /"dZA;g(@)n/ · n. words or expressions used by a particular profession or group that are difficult for others to understand.]

When Junno complains that he cannot understand Koki’s street jargon, Koki was inclined to retaliate that no one understood Junno’s.

K is for Koala

[koala /k@U"A;l@/ · n. a bear-like arboreal Australian marsupial that has thick grey fur and feeds on eucalyptus leaves. [Phascolarctos cinereus.]]

Jin likes to call Maru ‘koala’; Ueda doesn't disagree because he thinks koalas are extremely cute.

L is for Lascivious

[lascivious /l@"sIvI@s/ · adj. feeling or revealing an overt or offensive sexual desire.]

Kame backs away cautiously into the dressing room; the heated glint in Jin’s eyes were telling enough about what was on his mind.

M is for Myth

[myth · n. 1 a widely held but false belief. Ø a fictitious person or thing. Ø an exaggerated or idealized conception of a person or thing.]

The last time Ueda went to the onsen with Maru, he realized that the myths about the shoe sizes or the one about the nose might not just be myths after all.

N is for Nudge

[nudge · n. a light touch or push.]

Jin knew that Maru never considered himself to be into men but Jin knew that he just needed a little nudge in the right direction: Ueda’s.

O is for Occasion

[occasion · n. 1 a particular event, or the time at which it takes place. Ø a suitable or opportune time. 2 a special event or celebration.]

It didn’t happened often but a drunkenly tap dancing Junno in the streets is certainly an event deserving equally drunken cheers from the rest.

P is for Palliate

[palliate /"palIeIt/ · v. 1 make (the symptoms of a disease) less severe without removing the cause. 2 mitigate or disguise (something bad).]

Sex allows Jin and Kame to temporarily relieve their loneliness but it doesn’t seem to solve their problems.

Q is for Quiche

[quiche /ki;S/ · n. a baked flan with a savoury filling thickened with eggs.]

Ueda guesses that he should be wary when offered something homemade from Maru since that last incident with the spaghetti but when the beatboxer offered that pastry, he didn’t have it in his heart to say no and thank kami he didn’t; it was delicious.

R is for Remorse

[remorse · n. deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed.]

Kame regrets not saying anything as Jin exits his room and flies off to the States the next day.

S is for Savoir-faire

[savoir faire /%savwA; "fE;, French savwa1 fE1/ · n. the ability to act appropriately in social situations.]

Koki would grudgingly admit that Maru is probably the most adaptable person in the group; the rest would be inclined to agree.

T is for Tattoo

[tattoo · n. (pl. tattoos) a design made with an indelible design by inserting pigment into punctures in the skin.]

Maru had to remind Koki that no matter how much he wanted one, he’d either have to wait until the end of his contract or do it where no one can see.

U is for Umbrella

[umbrella · n. a device consisting of a circular fabric canopy on a folding metal frame supported by a central rod, used as protection against rain.]

It was a bit awkward for Koki to share his umbrella with Junno; Junno could barely see where they’re going and Koki’s arm was getting tired.

V is for Valediction

[valediction /%valI"dIkS(@)n/ · n. the action of saying farewell. Ø a farewell.]

The day KAT-TUN disbanded was probably the most deplorable day in their lives and yet it brought many possibilities for the future; like that tattoo Koki had always wanted or the relationships they were never allowed to pursue.

W is for Whet

[whet /wEt/ · v. excite or stimulate (someone’s desire, interest, or appetite).]

Maru watches Ueda unravel the bandages from his bruised knuckles, feeling the temperature rise at view of the younger man’s slick skin stretching over taut muscles; testing Maru’s restraint and whetting his appetite beyond return.

X is for X-ray

[X-ray · n. a photograph or other image of the internal structure of an object, especially a part of the body, produced by passing X-rays through the object.]

Ueda held Maru’s hand tightly in his as the doctor produced an x-ray of his chest and shared a sigh of desperate relief with the older man when the doctor informed them that Ueda is absolutely fine.

Y is for Yoga

[yoga · n. a Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline, a part of which, including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, is widely practised for health and relaxation.]

Junno cannot understand why Koki shoved him into the closet when he suggested that the rapper try yoga for his anger management issues; he even added the pro of being more flexible.

Z is for Zoology

[zoology /zu;"Ql@dZi, z@U-/ · n. the scientific study of the behaviour, structure, physiology, classification, and distribution of animals. Ø the animal life of a particular region or geological period.]

There was a time when Koki wondered if zoology would’ve been better choice of career for him but seeing the hordes of fans screaming and yelling, he thought that maybe being in show biz isn’t that much different anyway.


Whew that was fun to do. ^^ It was done a long time ago. I've only decided to post it. Hope you'll enjoy it and cross your fingers and hope I get well soon.

fanfic: alphabet meme

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