Coral (my black Blythe) is FINALLY COMPLETE!!!

Jun 03, 2007 14:23

Finally! after months of waiting for supplies! 
I've finished her!

from this:
(this is how she looked after sand matting but no paint yet)

Primer Grey:

one can (out of 3) that I bought that was the WRONG color! Too yellow??
it's not even the same color as on the cap..

Her lids:

Her LIPS!!!
I got the lip sticker right on the first try! 
I did not realize that they (stickers) are transparent so I put back the original coral colored one I had chosen and put on a red one.. it turned out a lot darker than I had imagined due to her skin tone but it looks good anyway! So shiney and new!

((Viola's 'green-with-envy' look at the dark red lips! ))
She'll get hers! and they'll be even darker! >=P
Hat by xoxoblythe!

Affixed her wig with velcro dots!
I applied some make-up! 
It's a bit more glamour that I would have liked but I was amazed that it even stayed on! 
This brand of paint is perfect for this kind of project as you can sand-matte it! 
Dark purple shadow over lids and a tiny bit of blusher.. 
(also showing some pretty gold eye chips!)

kind of hard to tell but her black lids are now a very deep shade of purple. 

and finally to this:
this is my fave pic of her!

I just love the gold eyes! 
(dress by House Of Pinku)

she also has
her original (adg) orange chips:

and these brown ones I had originally bought for Welsley:

the 'None-too-pleased' look on Welsley's face as I put her chips in Coral's head! =P

I'll get more pics of them all together later! I've neglected a promised sewing project today to finish her! 
best get on with that!

for now, she and Bishop are getting along famously!  


I'm not too sure about this wig..?? I mean, I like it but it's just not what I had envisioned for her.. I think I'll try to get that mohair one I see from time to time on ebay..

I'm going to copy this post to 
blythedoll  tomorrow!

Thanks! =)
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