The following is a survey I am conducting for a problem-solving class in college. It seems to me that [redacted]. If you have the time, please copy and paste the questions and post your answers to the comments of this entry, just like if you were filling out a meme. Thanks very much for your time
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I think this could be a great place to have more detailed diagrams, and a place to ask question if you're confused, without the cost of printing extra. This would also allow the pattern-users a way to give direct, specific feedback to the pattern company, and be a place for the pattern maker and writer to give clarification on what she ment in a particular section. I love the idea!!!!
15.) Would you be interested in having access to instructional videos on the Internet for the pattern you are using? Why or why not?
This is interesting, and would probably be helpful, because, again, I find most sewers to be visual learners, and this would really be more helpful than a bunch of words on the page.
16.) What changes would you like to see made to commercial pattern instructions to make them more convenient for your use?
More, better diagrams. I can't say it better than that.
17.) What pattern would you say has been the most difficult for you? If you can’t name a specific pattern, the name of the company that published it will do nicely. Why was this pattern so difficult for you?
I can't remember which one it was, but it was a dress with a fitted waist from Butterick. It gave no hints on changing the fit, and if you didn't happen to have the same curvature as their model, you were screwed. I wasn't, and I'd spent some $40 on fabric for a dress that I'd spent weeks sewing - ended up having to take it to someone else to get it fixed. It was miserable, and could have been helped by a few lines on fit, and where to merge the to sizes if you're different sized up top and down below ( I ended up picking a spot that was too high, and it was too tight at the top of my hips to fit).
Easy - can reliably sew straight seams, simple curves and hems. can do gathers with some guidance. works in medium weight cotton and poly-blend fabrics.
Intermediate - can reliably sew even gathers. can set in a sleeve with some guidance. works in un-napped or non-directional fabrics.
I think you're right - I've seen it somewhere, I just don't remember which pattern house.
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