Dec 21, 2004 20:22
umm today was kinda boring but n tyler had a ball in our classes like usal haha i made him stay for lab with me until i wish he didnt cuz he got soo ANYOING-haha good times..haha then ummm 7th per was okay kinda boring binko skipped class so he hung ou with us then 8th per was kinda boring me n binks went to the libary and he copiyed my ss hw and then we weere looking at this one book of porn we were lik wtf is this aporperite...haha then there was this pic of a cute animal then belw it showed a pic of the anikal desd binko was sooooooo pissed botu the poor animal he took the book and RIPPED THE PG OUT.!!!!!!!! iT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNY. OMG.! LOL thn i started to eat the paper arpund haha... thn i went home chillied with adam and we poaiinted hehe dont ask well then im gunna go eat pizza now halla babe! zack early happy birthday!