Title: Love of a Lifetime [III]
Characters/Pairings: England/Portugal, Spain/South Italy, Turkey, Macau, China, Brazil/Argentina, France/Scotland, various pairings.
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Language, mentions of sex.
Summary: Love in all its shapes and forms, both fantastic and fail. Based on various prompts.
Part 1 Part 2 (
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I bloody love the bb!Latins and Mama!Roma ;;
Oh god Mama!Roma is my new favourite mama in the whole wide world. Mino you are so lucky to have him I don't even know. He taught you all kinds of mad Romantic skillz, trufax. :|b
Mama!Roma is a bitching mama. Just. Don't date his kids and you'll be fine. And he can even remember names, unlike your idiota papa who has to flick through a wallet full of pics to figure it out. Heck, Roma was probs the one to give you a human name :/
WORLD'S. BEST. MAMA. Let's all chip in and buy him a shirt that says that. ;u; Oh god no, DATING. Dating will ruin you in his eyes forever. Kids should stay home with their mama for the rest of their lives kthnx. Pfft Spain. Even when flicking through said wallet he probably has their names scribbled somewhere orz. Well actually, common headcanon going around is that Martin named himself after his independence after ...this guy, I think. XD; /can't remember
Oh god we'd die if we tried to give him that though :/ NO ONE IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR HIS BAMBINI, EVERYONE SHOULD JUST UNDERSTAND THAT FROM THE START. It's probably under the pics in the wallet. Family reunions everyone has to wear nametags orz. HEY. BAMBINO TOTALLY COUNTS AS A NAME, A MUCH BETTER ONE THEN ARGENTINA B|
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