Title: For Dignity Has No Price [1/6]
Pairing: Portugal/England, mentions of Austria/Hungary and Spain/Portugal (America/England, Spain/Romano, France/the world, Portugal+Spain and other pairings to be added)
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Gratuitous sex between two Empires orz
Timeline: 1890 - The British Ultimatum/Anglo-Portuguese Crisis/Scramble for
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He certainly did and he enjoyed every minute of it. All that power must have been so heady. And Portugal has always been there for him, they've shared interests for the longest time, and he's never gone to war against him and hurt him like France and Spain, so yeah, it cut him pretty deep. Like 'I gave the best years of my life to you and this is how you repay me?' I always imagined Portugal to see sex as the ultimate expression of love coming together, especially their 'married' love, and now he feels like England just wanted to get in one last fuck before fucking him over. It's a love that doesn't feel quite so grand anymore, which is a huge blow to his pride. Like it was just a benefit of their alliance.
I think Portugal relishes being treated as an equal after spending so many years under Spain. And England's always recognized him so he paid him back with his love and devotion. Port takes England's invitation to WWI, but only because Germany attacked Mozambique. I think he'd spend a lot of his time in the trenches giving him the cold shoulder and everyone would feel MASSIVELY AWKWARD. And America would demand what's going on because he can't read the atmosphere l-lol. |D;
Forever is a long time but I'm not going anywhere. I'm looking forward to the next part, because it'll be mostly in Portugal's point of view and the goings on in his country after the ultimatum. ;D
Yeah, exactly. He felt like they were something special and that sex was how they both expressed that most completely, and then it seemed like England just considered sex something extra thrown in with the wine that he wanted to get a little more of before betraying him. Not that that's how England thinks, but . . . England, you're very bad at seeming not like a jerk.
That makes complete sense! That he'd give England his love because of England's attention and recognition, just . . . yes. Oh god. WWI was already awkward in my head--it just got more so.
Oooooh, that is really exciting!
Bawww Portugal. ;; England's always treated him like something special though, which is why he's even more hurt and confused. Now he's second-guessing, something he never thought he'd do. And I kind of want to write Portugal getting back at England by sleeping with France (who finally gets the other half of the Iberian Peninsula haha) during WWI when he sent aid there. >>
What made it worse was that a lot of the time Portuguese troops were under British command so they were...always in the same vicinity. And Portuguese soldiers were insane - they'd just dive into the thick of things, and often volunteered to do so. Portugal why so badass? He was probably taking out his frustrations. |D
ffff I don't know whether to start that or Chap 2 of Bring Me the Horizon though. XD;
Yeah, I think that must be the worst part! Like the floor suddenly slipped out from under him. OH MAN. Why do I want to see that, but . . . oh, man, yeah. (Oh, Francis XD)
Wow, yeah, seriously. I imagine he was. He must have been so torn, seeing England tired and hurt and close all the time, part of him wanting what they had and part of him too hurt and angry and proud to even consider it.
Whichever you write, I will be absolutely thrilled.
I've always seen France as wanting a threesome with Spain and Portugal the same way Spain wants to have one with the two Italies, haha. And he already had Spain so when he finally gets Portugal he dangles it over England's head and makes him see red. ('Ah Angleterre, it was a long while coming but I finally got to the other half of the Iberian Peninsula~' '...WHAT.')
He was terribly torn and he did want to make him feel better but that would have been giving in. Stubborn, both of them. It only got worse in WWII when England was being bombed. Portugal would have been devastated and he probably would have gone, but his boss kept reminding him there was neutrality to be kept. Which is silly, because no one was REALLY neutral. Portugal gave the Allies the Azores (while still giving Germany tungsten), fought Japan in East Timor with Australia and joined Spain to help the Axis on the Eastern Front against Russia. SO HE WAS ALL OVER THE PLACE.
I kind of want to do those, but then I'm getting all these one-shot ideas too and it's just fffff.
Oh, man, I can so see that. He would. (And he certainly seems to have, historically XD. Oh, France.) Oh, man, I bet England was FURIOUS. And horribly, horribly hurt, whether or not that was fair. But yes, France would so rub it in.
Oh, man, yes, I can only imagine. And it would have, and he couldn't bring himself to do that--the hurt was still really fresh, then, too--but he'd loved England for so long, too. They both are, aren't they? So, so stubborn. Man, WWII, he probably so badly wanted to help, but that and he probably had no idea how England would receive that, either, and then England was getting close to America . . . . He really was! But it makes sense that he would go with his brother, whatever else, but sort of help England on the side.
I . . . I know :(. I have so many ideas for fic aaaaaah. *flails*
He would and I think he was close to succeeding in the Napoleonic Wars. War of the Oranges anyone? |D (ILU France. You and your manwhoring ways haha.) He probably beat France up righteously and tried to go see Portugal but then his king was assassinated and the Revolution happened. AND EVERYTHING JUST...FELL APART. Cue more rubbing in from France. Though come on England, you've slept with France too. >>
He adored him but he was still finding his feet with his new government and they were following Spain's boss in supporting the Axis so he couldn't do anything, didn't really WANT to I don't think, because he was scared of getting hurt again. England probably got mad at him for being neutral and still helping Germany, and that would have made Portugal all mulish. Which is probably why he didn't give him the Azores at first. Then America had to open his big mouth and probably insulted him in the thick of things and England had to go into a treaty with Port to prevent him from going all Empire on America's ass. HE DOESN'T DEAL WELL WITH SORE SUBJECTS. And he probably didn't know what to make of America and England getting so close and having a 'special relationship' which is why I think it's this period in history that he grows really close to Spain, because for all their differences at least his brother's always been there.
And that's like...one chapter of my fic in itself ;asldk. XDDD;
Not in a particularly consensual way, but yes. Oh, France. It's true XD. (Ahh, France :P.) I'm sure he did. Oh, man. Poor both of them, really. England would say IT'S DIFFERENT (it's not XD, not entirely).
*nods* Makes perfect sense. With someone like Portugal, after what happened with England, that fear would be almost overpowering, I feel. He'd think . . . I'll come in and help and it will mean nothing, he'll just use me and discard me and--I can't do that. Oh, god, America, it's SO TRUE, he would, America would just make the whole situation so bad so quickly, and oh PORTUGAL he certainly does not. Still, that might make England and Portugal actually talk again, so go America? Plowing through sensitive emotional topics since 1600 or something XD. Ah, yeah, I can only imagine. He must have felt so lonely to see them--no wonder he turned to his brother, a bit.
France likes to badtouch everyone. Who needs consent for that? XD France is always in the middle. I think he likes it. I think when they finally DO make up, they'll never speak of it, even if France does try to bring it up occasionally. XD
Seriously. Like 'he only wants me when he needs something from me. Just like always. Well I won't give him that satisfaction.' I think America would feel a surge of protection for England, who is all bruised and beaten up from the Blitz and he came all the way to the Azores to ask Portugal for help and he turns him away without a second glance. So he loses his temper and accuses Portugal and his brother for hiding away like cowards while the whole world was falling apart and PORTUGAL GETS SO ANGRY WITH HIM FOR ASSUMING THINGS. Oh America, your failure to read the atmosphere touches my heart. It would make them talk again though, even if Portugal is utterly bitter for awhile. And well, he and Spain were isolated together a lot of the 20th century while everyone else was fighting WWII and then the Communists. |D I think they became very close and took care of each other after they both had coups and civil wars and revolutions, because no one else would.
It's his hobby. It's true. France just likes being in any position *snerk*. Yes, I totally agree there. And oh, France.
Yeah. Exactly. Oh, poor hurt Portugal. And poor hurt England. You're only hurting each other, guys~~ :( I'm sure America would, though. His sympathies lie firmly with England in most things (except for his own relentless teasing of him), and . . . yes. Oh, god. That's exactly how it would go. OH MAN. It's true! I really like that idea. They'd be kind of fighting all this time, but then they got close and took care of each other and just . . . yes.
It's amazing how perverted he became as he grew up. I swear that was the only think he inherited from Rome. XDDD And yes, France is very...flexible like that lol. There'd be so much facepalming. And England beating up France.
They are but ffff they're both so stubborn they don't know who should break the ice first. :< Oh America. I swear his relationship with England is mostly 'hahaha you're so stupid England but if anyone else tries to hurt you I'll kick them to the fucking curb'. So protective and teasing at the same time. It would be like having Brazil speaking back to him. And everyone knows how well THAT went down. Portugal would possibly want to box his ears. There'd be so much resentment and sadness and sob. ;; hahaha it would be just like being under Al-Andalus again. It reminds them that they're still brothers at the end of the day, even if Spain is an interfering, thick-headed pain in the arse and Portugal forms relationships with all kinds of shifty non-Catholic lol people. XD
Ahahahaha, it really is, just wow. Ahahaha. Indeed. There would. Portugal would be all . . . *snerk* this is pretty awkward. And England would be all BRITANNIA SMASH.
Man, it's so true. That's the problem with having this relationships of equals--when they're pissed, they're REALLY pissed, and neither one of them is willing to make the first step. Oh, America. It's so, so true. That's exactly what it is. Oh, them. Oh, man, it really would @_@. I can only imagine his rage. Oh, god, yeah. ;___; But . . . yay! Ahahahaha, oh, fail!bros. How I love you.
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