This is more coherent and to the point than what I've been cutting recently. Still, I'll cut it.
After being up for a few hours yesterday, I did very well until just recently. I've been rather hungry all day, but I know that I'm eating enough. I'm getting tired and a little down now, although I've only been up for about 12 hours.
However, up until now I've had a very good day. I've done quite a few useful things, and enjoyed hobbies and activities I don't normally feel up to. I plan to sleep 9 hours a night, and stay up 1.5 hours extra for the next few days. The goal is to sleep 7:30 each night from 11 PM to 7:30 AM. With an extra hour today to get me on track for hitting my time goals, I plan to go to bed at 1:00 PM. That's 3:30 hours past the basic 16. It's also 7 hours away. I'll let myself go to bed after 10:30 AM if I feel like I can.
I'm encouraged by my tiredness, as I think about it. It hints that I may start sleeping better as my body gets used to this eating, exercise and sleeping cycle.
The USDA has a "My Pyramid" tool that tells you what you should be eating each day, and how you should switch things up within those groups each week. The great thing about eating according to the food pyramid: You eat so much fiber and bulk that it's hard to eat junk. My 650 calorie lunch today was a heaping plate of pasta, sweet potato and vegetables.
I continue to manage improvement with my shoulder, while still pushing to strengthen the muscles.
I think I'll have some of my Ginseng tea and ice my shoulder again. I'm bored of reading and TV, that may be part of why I'm tired. I'd like to do something active, but it's freezing outside. I have a game I'd like to play, I may do that after the tea and ice (my shoulder hurts, so it'd be bad to play a computer game).<\lj-cut>