Nov 12, 2005 19:24
Today was Patty Meskimen's 50th birthday party at Troy's grandparent's farm.
It was our first trip back to Iowa since Christmas. That seems odd because we used to go back once a month or came to Chicago once a month when we lived in Iowa.
In any case it was a good time - Troy made the best food, and everyone was very good natured and low key.
If there is one thing that I am constantly and cistently thankful for it is the closeness of Troy's family. There were 4 solid generations there - something like 5 grandfathers, 9 fathers, 9 mothers, with ages ranging from 81 to 6 months. I don't think peole get to experience family like that very often any more.
In 5 weeks we will all be together again (plus at least half as many) for the annual Meskimen Family Christams. In the 17 years I have know Troy while this even was taking place, he has never missed, nor have my children. I have missed twice (once while living in Tenn. and once I was too sick) but I will be there this year.
More on family as the holiday's approach - like Thanksgiving is my a favorite holiday but always has the most drama associated with it.
My favorite Thanksgiving was in 198?? - my sister and I went to Hyde Park and spent the day with JOhn Wilson's family and friends (my dad's long time friend). They had chili with carrots and black olives in it. Troy won't let me make that anymore.