Jun 17, 2012 07:53
Got absolutely no writing done yesterday evening. What I *did* get was a frame-by-frame analysis of the art styles of the two canon artist characters, courtesy of the Spousal Unit.
(Or, more accurately, a "WTF do they think 'artists' do? He goes from pencilling comics like that to smearing a purple stripe back and forth for ten minutes? And what *IS* that one behind his head - they just cut out random shit from a magazine and slammed paint on it, didn't they? 'We need three more paintings on that set, guys; ten minutes!'" and a 'is that the art director's sketchbook? I see scale notes about the character models in that corner' for the other...)
and I now know pretty much exactly where I'm going for that piece of the story. I feel pretty well unblocked for chapter three. At least until I sit down to start typing at it. Wheeee!
the yellow wood