Mar 22, 2004 01:09
Happy Ostara everyone. Spring -- my new year at least -- is here, and I rejoice as my sinus inflammation returns with a vengence.
Seriously, it's like fucking clockwork. I wkoe up today not even realizing that it was the equinox and from the start i was swollen and disgusting.
Despite wanting my entire head amputated, today has been a productive turning point of a day.
Although Beltaine is my favorite holiday, Ostara always marks a turning point in my life, where I start to change from gloomy winter rob to happy summer rob -- i woke up this morning feeling my power and magic (in addition to my mucus) start to flow, and i walked through the day lighter, more optomistic, and more confidant than i've been in months.
Yesterday I wrote two papers, one about the stupid chelsea physic garden, one about the hmong traditional shamanism. today, in a shocking continuation of this productivity that hopefully becomes a trend, i did the research for my siberia project and wrote a song for my presentation, and then...i wrote my lord of the rings movie review.
i've been putting this off FOREVER because i was nervous about it, it's the one thing that i couldnt bare having turn out mediocre and i'd rather not do it at all then have it be less than brilliant and at least attempt to do some kind of justice to my feelings. after procrastinating for HOURS, i decided to just sit down and ofrce it out and then edit it later, and it came out okay -- editng tomorrow, then i'll post it.
this scheduling of creativity is a difficult trend to get used to, and it doesnt make for my best work, but it does make for my most consistant. part of why i never did anything is becasue i always waited for the perfect moment of inspiration to start, which rarely came -- i found that although it starts off slow, once i start writing i can usually make it come out semi decent, and this makes me incredibly confident in my chances for finishing my work before emmy gets here.
in other news, I finished midnight's children while in my bubble bath tonight, FINALLY -- i'm going to start on the Dark Elf trilogy next because it's been a while since i read a good fantasy. I lit candles and incense and did my ritual thingy, and, feeling the new powers flowing through me, i was driven to masturbate twice.
all in all a pretty good day, although i'm dreading walking upstairs and trying to go to bed right now, because i know what these sinus nights are usually like.
::Hugs:: happy spring everybody, let's welcome the light together