srry its been awhile....

Jul 22, 2005 21:35

Boy, this week has freakin rocked! I want to go back. this entire wek I went to the Monroe County Public Saftey Taining Facility to lean about police life. WAHT A FREAKIN BLAST!!! we did sooo much that it would take me the rest of the night to explain everything that happened but i can see waht I can do. Ok, first things first, I first went there on monday morning. went there, and met some of the other cadets. many nice people, all of them very friendly and very energetic and what a riot to be with. I ran into one of my old friends and it was great to finally see him again. I also met many new people and instintly made friends with them. one of them a very short, but funny girl named Rachel. what a balst it has been with her, shes crazy. lol. then we jumped into first topic of the morning, Juvinale Law. not a bad topic, kinda boring though. but the next topic rocked my socks off. After that, there was an agent from the FBI. that man was awasome, everything I imagined that and FBI job would be like. someday people, I am gonna have that badge :) after that there was a bunch of other stuff, and at the end of the day, there was a PE test. oh what fun stuff... NOT! we had to run a mile and a half in under 12:29 do as many situps in 60 seconds and as many push-ups as we could in 45 seconds. crazy stuff. Second day was a little better. Ran into my old adviser for my explorer program, Deputy Campenalla. That man is the best cop I have ever met. dep. Campenalla is a leading member on the SWAT here and let me say my respect for him has increased soo much I almost worship him ever time I see him. Thrid day was a blast! We did Fake ID. (srry people, cant go into detail there) and we did DT (defensive tactics) and sorry, I cant really cant go into detail there. Last day was graduation, and let me say, I was really sad to leave there. I made so many friends that I really didn't want to leave. I am gonna miss everything there. if by some really random chance that cadets that were with me stumble across this livejournal, I just want to say how much of an honor it was to be with every one of you. each one of you had a very different personality but all for the best. I have no complaints in how we did things and I hope that you get where your going in life and show them a thing or two about how its done up here in NY. untill next time, I will say "SQUAD, FALL OUT LEFT!" (which means people in the squad, turn to the left, and march out of where you are)
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