(no subject)

Jul 24, 2011 22:13

So like 10 days ago I started talking to this dude from OKCupid and he's not exceptionally tall (just my height, actually), but he loves San Jose, he's tight with his family, he's six days younger than me, he lives halfway between me and my parents (who live a whopping three miles away), I think he owns his home, he's into fixing cars and seems generally very handy and seemed to know the exact right complement to pay and/or thing to say that I actually allowed myself to think for a moment that MAYBE THIS WAS IT!?!

I was trying to let him be the man and suggest a meet-n-greet but a week went by and there wasn't anything of the sort...just a pleasant text conversation. Then I found myself without plans on Thursday night so I asked him if he'd be free to meet up. He asked if he could let me know around 5 or 6. I said sure and proceeded to not hold my breath. 6PM came and went and then 7PM came and went and I was confused and shocked and bummed that he'd just blow me off.

Then at 8:30 he was like "I am so so sorry -- I just left work 15 minutes ago. I really do want to meet you soon."

Which was good because at least he wasn't totally blowing me off, but on the other hand, WERE HIS FINGERS BROKEN? I wasn't sitting at home waiting for him and when I left work at 5 I went and got dinner and generally made plans to spend the evening alone and figured that MAYBE he'd surprise me and be available...but I was not expecting it to play out the way it did.

But okay. I can forgive him. He was "so so sorry."

One of the questions on OKCupid talks about whether some sort of communication with your partner is necessary on a daily basis. He said no to that one so there have been a couple days that have gone by where I haven't initiated a conversation and neither has he. And then if we do have an exchange, he'll sometimes just drop off and leave my last text unaddressed, which I find very annoying but dude, I'm just some chick from the internet so I can get over it.

And then last night we were texting back and forth and it was fine and then I asked him when we were going to get this meet-n-greet scheduled (because FOR REALS, I DON'T WANT A PEN PAL) and then NOTHING.

And then nothing today either. I can't tell if he's playing me or if he's not interested anymore or what. I'm pretty disappointed that this one that I actually allowed myself to get hopeful for turned out to be JUST LIKE ALL THE OTHERS and I'm reminded of why I swore off internet dating.

And then I deleted his phone number so I wouldn't be tempted to initiate a conversation and then I hid my OKCupid and Match profiles.

And now I want to hang up my hat on the whole dating thing entirely. I was trying to hit 20 before giving up and I'm only at 5 (I think) but GOOD GOD this is just too annoying and I HATE spending mental energy on these things.

And nowwwwwww I'm wasting time thinking about what I'll say if he does ever text me again.

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