Building Bridges- Western Bridge

Jun 19, 2010 20:01

Title: Building Bridges- Western Bridge pt. 1
Author: Arcticwolf_89
Pairing: Sylar/Claire
Rating: PG (for now)
Disclaimer: Heroes and all related material are copyrighted trademarks of Tim Kring and Universal, all rights reserved. This is a work of fanfiction. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warnings: none as of yet
Summary: Blazing guns and pretty barmaids...
Author's Note: ...

Theme: Cowboy

Dimension: Alternate

Word Count:1,200


The sun was hot and high that dusty afternoon in Denver, Colorado. The city was still relatively young, only seven years old that summer of 1765, and Sheriff Peter Petrelli was finally settling into his role as the head protector of the city and its people. His family had long been sheriffs and politicians, and while his older brother Nathan had gone political, Peter had chosen to go police. He walked leisurely along the main street, taking in the many large brown buildings springing up along the wooden boardwalk. In the past two years they'd gotten three mercantiles, a doctor, a livery and stable, two hotels and two restaurants. The young man smiled and took a deep breath of mountain air. He loved the sounds of people calling out to one another, the smells of horses and iron, work and progress. They had been very blessed to have so much prosperity and so little crime.

Of course there were threats of a group of people known as the Gray Gang, dangerous individuals who roamed the Rockies, descending on towns and absconding with goods, money… and abilities. From what he had heard, the leader of the gang, known only as Sylar, had the power to take other people's abilities. Not only could he take them, but he could use them with better skill than their previous owners. The body count he'd racked up was over fifty people thus far, and the surrounding towns shivered in fear.

Peter himself had never seen the man, but he'd he knew it wouldn't be long before the band of murderers came here, and he knew that it would be a terrible fight to protect the people. He had an ability that could prove rather useful in keeping Denver safe, and he knew that there were others who could aide him.

Matthew Parkman, the owner of one of the mercantiles also had an ability, as did the pretty young saloon owner, Miss Claire Bennet. With a whistle, Peter headed over to the Gold Dog Saloon, where Claire and her girls would be serving up good home cooking and fresh whiskey.

As he walked inside the nice sized establishment, he searched out the vivacious little blonde who'd come out to the wilds of the west with little more than a small wagon and the clothes on her back. She'd worked hard and fended off many offers of marriage, but Claire had made it. Peter slid into a stool, smiling as the girl in question sauntered past him with a cold mug of beer in her hand and a plate of steaming food in the other. Her hair was piled up in a bun and she wore a loose fitting shirt with black, close fitted pants. She'd be in a striking sapphire dress this evening, but Peter secretly liked the working side of Claire Bennet.

"Well, hi, Sheriff Petrelli. What brings you here so early in the afternoon?" Peter smiled and took the proffered food and drink.

"Not much, Miss Bennet. I was just stopping by to see how everything is going. I've been meaning to come visit." Claire smiled gently and came around the bar to sit beside her friend. The saloon was pretty empty during the day and most of the serving girls were still asleep. Things usually didn't pick up until the sun was on its way down.

"Now, Peter. You know I can tell when you lie. Your left eye twitches. Why are you really here?" Peter blushed and rubbed said eye.

"Claire, have you heard any rumors from the people that come in here concerning an outlaw group that hunts… specials?" Claire sighed and took out a rag from her back pocket. She slowly and methodically rubbed down the polished bar top.

"Well, there were a couple of men in here a few nights back. They seemed different, and I heard them mentioning a 'Sylar' every now and then. I tried to get closer, but it was like they knew I was there. They left soon after and haven't been back since."

"Listen to me, Claire. I know you go up into the mountains to feed those damned wolves of yours, but I am telling you to stay in town for awhile. This guy is known for quick killings and bloody trails. I don't want you to be caught." Claire tried not to roll her eyes as Peter took her shoulders. Sometimes she just wanted to smack the man. She was not some simpering young woman, and she been up into the mountains enough times to know when and where to hide.

"Peter, I'm not-"

"Pete! I need to talk to you." Matthew Parkman stood in the doorway, a serious expression in his face. He was acting deputy for the town, and by the looks of things he was here on important business. His gun was strapped to his hip, his badge sitting on the left side of his vest. Peter turned back to Claire and kissed her forehead.

"Promise me, Claire. Just for a few nights and once he's moved on out of here, you can do what you like. Please." Claire sighed but nodded. Peter flashed her a smile and ushered Matt away. The young woman waited until they were gone before rushing through the saloon and out the backdoor. She slid along the alleyway and peeked out from the rough corner of store next door. Matt and Peter were huddled together in the middle of the street, having a very heated conversation.

The town doctor, an Indian man by the name of Suresh, stepped out of his office and called to the two men. He waved them inside and all was quiet. Claire waited a few seconds before making a break for the stables.

Gabriel Gray, or "Sylar," winced as his horse missteped along the rough trail. The wound in his chest was getting worse, and if he didn't find that immortal girl rumored to be in these mountains soon…

"You need to have that looked at." Elle Bishop was his right hand woman, a seemingly petite blonde pixie, but shockingly deadly when need be. She maneuvered her mare up next to him, watching him from the corner of her sky blue eyes. "If any of the others find out you've been hurt, it won't take long for an insurgence. We have a powerful group. I'd hate to have to round up another set." His eyes slid to hers in warning.

"Shut up, Elle. You just keep them in line, and I'll find that girl." Elle snorted.

"I just don't understand you Gabriel. I don't see why-"

"I am Sylar!" He hissed angrily, then gripped his chest with a tight fist. The pain was getting worse and his vision was blurring. He never should have allowed that poison woman to touch him. But then he'd always had a soft spot for dangerous women. He looked up as the sounds of a wolf pack permeated the air. His horse danced in fear, causing another pained wince. He took a deep breath and turned to Elle.

"Send the group towards the North. Denver should be just over the ridge, but we'll wait until darkness to go in. I'm going up along this way to scout for any easy entrances. Set up camp and wait 'till I get back. I don't want anyone knowing we're here, got it?" Elle nodded and wheeled her horse away. Sylar sharply yanked his horse back in the direction he'd been taking. He would find this immortal girl, and he would take her power. After that, nothing and no one would stand in his way.
This is part one of a multi-series I'm doing. I've wondered what it would be like to put the Heroes in completely different time periods. This is one of many I'm planning to do. Hope you like it!
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