I found a sci-fi nerd podcast that publishes good SF short stories with occasional reviews, interviews, and other happenings.
This is the first one I listened to, and I very much enjoyed it (I might point out that I found it because it was cited as a working example of the literary "you"). I also enjoyed
the newest one, which is number four in a series. It has superheroes in it, kind of. ^_^ If you're going to listen to all four of the series, listen to the first (Iron Bars and the Glass Jaw; the link's on the page somewhere) first.
They're each about a half an hour, except for the flashes which are shorter. I've found that the ones that are rated R without a "sexually explicit" warning are perfectly fine; the editor uses the rating system so the listener can determine which stories are appropriate for smaller children, and the disclaimers for advising the not-smaller-children to figure out what they would be interested in listening to. Pretty much, unless it says "explicit sexual content," it's quite safe. Or at least fairly safe.
I've only heard about 5 or so stories and 5 or so other podcasts, and they were all very good. The podcast itself is called "Escape Pod," "escape" as in escapism, "pod" as in podcast, and "escape pod" as in a necessity for any well-equipped spaceship. They have an offshoot for horror stories, called "PseudoPod," "pseudo" as in false/offshoot/unreal, "pod" as in podcast, and "pseudopod," as in scary monster feet. They use similar clever wordings all the time. It's just generally very cool. And a lot of them are programmers AND writers. Awesome.