I finally decided that my old LJ format used space too poorly, so I picked a new design. All things considered, I don't think this one's much better as far as blank space goes (do we really need to see my icon on every post?), but it at least looks a little better. I don't really like the lack of friend colors on my friends' page, though. I also
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Comments 6
I've updated my journal with the first few days of ThinkQuest...all of that was a procrastination about studying for exams!!! :)
Homestar is my friend. DDR is pretty much amazing. Homestar + DDR = fun icon. ^_^
Changing layout/icons/mood themes = fun. It helps remind me that I do have a creative side.
Indeed, panic homework...*sigh* I have a Western Heritage paper I must finish by Monday. *bigger sigh* I can't figure out how to get 1000 words out of only 3 documents. My teacher wants lots and lots of analysis and depth, I guess.
If I had a paid account, I would probably have a ball making/finding new and exciting mood themes. As it is, I like my little blue guys, and I'm good with not changing anything else that often. Though icon making is fun when I have an icon to make.
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