Well, I'm taking the plunge. I'm going to adopt a dog. The weather's getting nice and I need a companion so I'm going back to dog ownership and not just walking everybody else's dog. He's going to need a name change though - right now its "Labsky" because well..... he's a lab/husky mix. ~6 months old and full of energy. Back to dog training I go. He's not my beloved Reilly but.... he needs a good home and I vowed my next dog would be a rescue. Labsky sure is with part of his tail and ear lost to frostbite when he was abandoned at 3 months and in need of lots of attention and exercise. He'll keep me active for sure.
His original rescuer also promised to watch him the week I'm going to the Stargate Con in Chicago - and lunch w/ Michael Shanks - and then on to Maine for camping with my family. Good deal! Helps she's a fan and understands my inner geek ;)
Better finish dog proofing the house and dusting off the kennel. He's moving in tomorrow. Gotta start thinking about names.
The new arrival:
Please take me! Let me out!!!
Thank you!! :)