Title: There's a First Time for Everything Rating: R Paring: Jonghun x Minhwan Length: 1,831 words Warnings: Slight bondage Author's Note: Written for Kuiper_Belt :) Happy Birthday mi amiga! "아미고!~" I hope you enjoy it!
And I use Hongki's cr--hand picture just for the occasion 8D not...that his hand was anywhere in the story or anything....but...lol you get it XD
And yay for unexpected pairings working out! 8D Was totally hawt and awesome and I loved it ♥ lol Minhwan can top later. Maybe. If Jonghun lets him. *Would totally read that* ♥
You know, this would probably be a million times wittier if I was a little more coherent 8D;
Comments 3
And yay for unexpected pairings working out! 8D Was totally hawt and awesome and I loved it ♥ lol Minhwan can top later. Maybe. If Jonghun lets him. *Would totally read that* ♥
You know, this would probably be a million times wittier if I was a little more coherent 8D;
*Totally wants to be in Minhwan's place*
I think this is the first MinhwanxJonghun I ever read ad it was GOOD. Ahhh so many FTI pairings that are comming lately and all soo awesome!
I like it, it was hot and sorta cute too ^^.
Where did you get that pic/icon? Hongki sure knows what ripped jeans are XD. I'm sure I saw Jaejin wearing them too O_o
That was uber awesome~ And so cute too. I neve thought I'd read a Jonghun/Minhwan fic but it was good :3
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