Feb 01, 2009 16:19
Last year on this day of spirited american competition, when most Americans are cemented to the couch; shoving their faces with beer, chili cheese dip, and mini weenies; yelling obscenities to little known strangers through a flickering electric box; and slapping high fives to their friends, nonfriends, and random strangers who support the same time; I was in the hospital emergency room with pneumonia. My social life was still in tact, I had plans for a summer job, and my carpet in my apartment didn't smell like doggie pee.
Today, despite being invited to multiple "I'm really an American because I watch the superbowl, even though I don't even care about the game" parties, I'm at home, listening to Jack Johnson, and sorting out stacks that have accummulated on my desk. Oddly, I'm happy about it. Change isn't always bad, even if it has some bad parts on the way.
Apparently I made 40,000 dollars-ish last year. Where has that all gone? Sad news...I owe more than my annual salary in student loans. Yea for being highly educated and sorely underpaid!