Aug 20, 2005 03:09
40-Year-Old-Virgin was FUCKING amazing... every scene it was Kim Possible NOT to laugh. That movie was totally burning. Watched it wth Lenny and Forge. Pat/Steve went to a show. Chris/Daniel were uncontactable or probably didn't know about it. Dom had work probably. Andy is unreachable.. and Gabe was with the misses. Well though it wasn't much people, we did get to hear Lenny shout NIGGA! out the window while a man of African descent passes by in his car in the Menlo Park parking garage (2nd floor)... echoing NIIIIGGGGAAAAAA through out the garage. It was awesome. Lenny removes all his charge counter points for that. Forge got me into WoW and it's pretty good. Wally and Tor invited me to Mike's guiild. Everyone's nice and all. I'm thinking of buying an authentication key, cuz I'm using a guest pass right now. Though the game is fun, a little tedious sometimes with training. Quests are madd difficult to complete if you don't know where you're going.. especially at nighttime since the day/night is real time. All in all I give it a 9/10. When Gunz gets their quests up, I'll be on that most of the time though. Then school comes... and omfg the lings... kekeke zerg rush