└ two ┐ RE-action /voiced scream

Sep 25, 2010 01:53


No, no it's not Jin Kisaragi; the scream is decidedly more feminine than that. This scream, however, is exceedingly familiar to anyone that may have heard it (and it's probably been heard a few times in Luceti at this point, or maybe it hasn't), and even if it isn't? Hey, who cares, it's a scream! It's coming from ( Read more... )

ragna in a bed, !action, !event, jin in a bed, nami in a bed, brooooooootheeeeeeer!!, ragna wut u doin, brother is cheating

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[Voice] once_knighted September 26 2010, 02:49:41 UTC
[Oh, he's sure that this is some sort of complicated misunderstanding involving a girl, but he just can't help himself.]

Wow, Jin. Your brother screams like that?


[Voice] arcticdungeon September 26 2010, 19:09:20 UTC
No! [ Ahem. Still angry though. ]

That wasn't my brother.


[Voice] once_knighted September 26 2010, 21:07:52 UTC
[Oh, so he does have reactions that aren't either "/polite" or "/cold". Awesome. Oh ho ho, the fun he will have with you someday, Jin. Just. You. Wait.]

Oh yeah? Then, what, you walked in on him with some girl?


[Voice] arcticdungeon September 26 2010, 21:22:18 UTC
[ Siiileenceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. ]

I... [ Urk. Just remembering what happened annoys him, and it shows! In his voice. ] I teleported into their bed.


[Voice] once_knighted September 26 2010, 21:25:39 UTC
[... Oh. Oh dear. He's not sure if he wants to keep trolling or show some kind of sympathy. ... Hell, if he goes for the latter, he's not sure who he'd feel more sympathetic too. But ... teleporting? Jin can teleport? ... Oh wait, people have been screaming and flipping out over the journal lately. Something must be going on.

... Regardless.]

Oh. ... Huh. That's ... pretty awkward. [ ... ] You're not still there, right?


[Voice] arcticdungeon September 26 2010, 21:35:16 UTC
[ Very, very awkward. And Nami was naked. NAAAKEEED.

and he touched her, guh. Oh god, he was on top of her and she was nakedanddiediediedie ] No, I'm not.


[Voice] once_knighted September 26 2010, 21:39:42 UTC
Right, good. [... He sounds kinda traumatized. Well, more annoyed than traumatized, but maybe ... erm ...] ... Are you gonna be all right?


[Voice] arcticdungeon September 26 2010, 21:53:56 UTC
[ He might be. Or he could find his face in Tsubaki's chest later, thanks to another teleport; furthering his trauma. Never again (which implies he ever did, and also that he ever had a sex drive--which he doesn't) will Jin find the female body attractive. ] I will.

[ ... huh. Hey, is this guy concerned for him? ] Why are you asking me that?


[Voice] AIM died :| /insert comparison joke about the sun rising once_knighted September 26 2010, 21:58:41 UTC
Huh? ... Just figured I'd ask. Something like that's kinda ... [... mind-breaking. So, one part concern, one part sympathy, one part "you're not going to flip a cougar and stab someone right".]


[Voice] Use meebo or digsby or AIM express. /does not laugh at said joke arcticdungeon September 26 2010, 22:02:39 UTC
I've seen worse. [ He's bounced back already, apparently. Remembering to whom he spoke and that HEY WAIT EMOTIONS ARE DUMMY-HEADS jolted him back into being expressionless. ]

... although I suppose I should thank you for your concern. [ Because you're not Bang, that's not "don't expect me to thank you for your concern". Feel honored. ]


[Voice] ... Nope, not working. Might be the screenname itself. Again. /cries once_knighted September 26 2010, 22:07:52 UTC
[Yuri has no idea whether he should feel honored or not. He doesn't know how difficult it is to get something like that out of Jin. Maybe one day he'll find that out, who knows.

Anyway. Shruggin'.]

Nah, no need. It's not like I asked so I could be thanked for it.


[Voice] That happens sometimes. :( /laughs arcticdungeon September 26 2010, 22:12:05 UTC
I should hope not. [ That'd be straaange. ...

... you know, he hasn't known Yuri long, but he's starting to understand that their conversations tend to just. End. He feels this one's ending coming soon. ]


[Voice] And of course now it works. Curse you AIIIIIIIIM /punches once_knighted September 26 2010, 22:18:24 UTC
Well, yeah. [Sadly, Yuri's already used to them and their sudden "kthxbai" conversation ends. At least the sudden drops seem to be part of a silent mutual agreement on both ends.] Anyway, I guess I'll leave you alone for now. [Congratulations Jin, you're now psychic enough to be a fortune teller.]


[Voice] :D eet luv you arcticdungeon September 26 2010, 22:28:18 UTC
[ Hey, he called it. ] All right.

Goodbye, Yuri.


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