ACTION └ seven ┐

May 03, 2010 19:22

[ Let's face it, Jin Kisaragi isn't the nicest man, nor the most steady man. But more than those two things: he's not the most conspicuous man. Most of the time he glides by doing something or other and just... does it. Because he can, and because his mun doesn't post about it he prefers not to be bothered by those he views as "scum". Normally today wouldn't be any different (meaning the inconspicuous part. Jin isn't nice, and when he is it's more creepy than anything else unless you're Tsubaki), but it is.

It's very different.

Today Jin's "Ragna-sensing" are hitting the red zone. Something's up with Ragna (more than the usual experiments, kidnapping, and battle royales) and Jin Kisaragi plans to find out what it is. That's why he's not prowling about, and instead... scowling. About. Yeah. He's scowling while about! It makes sense.

He'll be around the town, ostentatiously throwing open shop doors (or home doors), "tch"ing at them (alternatively, if you're super unlucky he'll give off a bloodcurdling "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGNA!?"), then slamming the doors shut before walking off and repeating the process somewhere else. Stop him, yell at him, do whatever. He doesn't really care, 'cause he's a Ragna-huntin'. ]

[ OOC: He's more likely to scream in the community buildings than the houses, usually on the first or second floors. Mostly screaming there because it's tall. :|a For locked doors he can either break the knob/lock and open it or KNOCK REALLY HARD. Ignore the window thing. ]

where have i been, where is that bitch, ragna senses are tingling, !action, ragna where are you, why aren't you with me ragna, ragna is in danger!, raaaaaaagnaaaaaaa, where are you ragna

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