random fangirling

Mar 19, 2007 02:16

I'm supposed to be doing my slides for a presentation ....
I'm supposed to be doing an ad for an assignment ... but blahhh!


Hrmm ... With NEWS' "hoshi wo mezashite" and K8's "zukkoke otoko michi" singles being released so close to one another i cannot help but feel the tension brewing between both sides of fandom. OOh it's getting scary. And either sides aren't going to back down. I don't know why but both fandoms just can't get along ... which is pretty sad cause to me they're both great groups K8's greater though and ultimately they're all Johnny's.

As for me ... if there wasn't NEWS in the 1st place, i would have NEVER known about Kanjani8. I would have never known about how amazing the K8 fandom is. In a way i'll always be thankful for that. And OMG ... tegoshi ... he's seriously looking better by the day.

Between all this rivalry and such ... It's sad to see Ryo-chan (and Uchi too if he wasn't a "trainee") in the middle of this crossfire. I mean the boy tries so hard not to show favoritism to either groups and to treat them as equals but there's only so much Ryo-chan can do. Sure ... it's uncomfortable to see him sing as a NEWS member but that's a fact I have to accept, that he belongs to BOTH K8 and NEWS. In the end i think Ryo-chan would be the one feeling the burns of this battle, as we all know that the whole rivalry stems from him and Uchi being members in both groups.

*sigh* I still think this issue will never be resolved and it's fine to take sides, heck I would support K8 all the way but THE PERSON WHO CAME UP WITH THE IDEA OF THEM BEING IN 2 GROUPS SHOULD JUST DIE *points to JK*

Moving on ...

I'm I the only one who thinks that it's weird for Kamenashi Kazuya at the age of 21 (+18 days) and officially debuted in 2006 to be in Shonen Club Premium?

I'm still downloading the episode but urm ... isn't he just a tad too young be in SC PREMIUM. Okay i can understand if you were to argue that Yamapi was there last month also at the age of 21 (+10 months) but ... HE's YAMAPI. What's the difference? Does 4Tops, countless doramas, and the title leading Junior after the Takki era, or his own oricon No.1 single ring a bell?

Wait ... don't get me wrong ... Kame's actually my favorite K-T member and i look up to him as we're both 1986-ers but he's soo matured in comparison to many our age (me included). Just the way he talks gives you the feeling of the air of maturity he has in him. BUT still i think they are other Johnny's to interview before Kamenashi but nevertheless ... i'm sure Kame gave a good interview. Looking forward to it =) *kicks clubbox*

I just checked out the list of Spring 2007 dramas ... hrmm not bad ... I targeted a few to pray and hope it gets subbed. And i counted that 6 Johnny's (including 1 shonentai member ... he's still a Johnny rite?) are going to be in the spring dramas =)

Anyone in my f-list watches tokyo tower or the kimura drama this winter season? Is it any good?

Finally omg ... faaaanfics are loove =) I notice there's lotsa RyoUchi (recommended: Smoke and Mirrors) and some Ryokura (but i can't think of any right now) and i sorta like anything with subaru in it. I donno why but the whole angst subaru behaviour intrigues me. There's one pairing which i'm not totally comfortable with ... Ohyass ... i don't know why (it's sorta like how apple feels towards Ohsuba) but i just can't read those fics *bricked*.

Okay i think i shall stop now ... this is wayy too long and for those who read till the end ... *hugggles* you know i rabu u!
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