this city's just cemeteries and forgotten words.

Mar 10, 2011 16:55

So... I'm psychic. I'm still kinda freaked out, tbh, because I somehow magically guessed that Paul McDonald would be singing Ryan Adams and then the song he would be singing even though it's one of Ryan's more obscure songs and oh my freaking god, he killed it, haters gon' hate, and no way on god's green earth is he winning, but please keep him around because I'm fucking falling in love with him and I'm just such a huge fan of everything he chooses to be, and... I somehow thought it would be a good idea to get all ranty and um, post a list, so I'm sorry, non-AI-watching friends, which is basically everybody aaaaand yeah.

13. Naima Adedapo Don't get me wrong, she's a great singer and her style is really refreshing, but she doesn't have the stage presence or the musical knowledge to win the competition or make it very far. Although if she does... you won't hear me complaining.

12. Pia Toscano Errrrrbody thinks she's going to win but she just bores me to tears. I mean, seriously? Celine Dion? I just find her bland and uninspired and I don't think she's marketable at all. And also Randy's BEST PERFORMANCE EVAH reaction to I'll Stand By You? Yeah, no thanks. Mad World, anyone? Summertime? Hallelujah? Billie Jean?

11. Haley Reinhart She's gorgeous and her tone is really interesting, but her song choices are kind of faily, and the judges don't like her. I probably wouldn't miss her if she left, but if she makes the tour, that's fine by me.

10. Ashthon Jones I hate that I have an all-girl bottom four, but the guys are friggin' insane this year, so... I really really like Ashthon, I like her attitude, I think she has a pretty voice, but her fanbase is basically nonexistent and even one not-as-good performance won't swing the casual vote and poof, she's gone.

9. Jacob Lusk Now this really hurts, because I love Jacob, I just don't like the fact that he sung A House Is Not a Home and then I Believe I Can Fly even though they were both excellent performances, because... just no. I can't see myself ever buying his album or downloading any of his original post-Idol stuff. But I like him and his range and his generally flaily-ness.

8. Karen Rodriguez She so cute and she's like, a Spanish Mariah Carey or something. I don't know. But she has energy and flavor and I like her.

7. Thia Megia She's pretty whatever (aren't I eloquent at 1:30 am?) but she's crazy good for her age and her voice is a little Adele-ish, and I adore Adele, so this can't be a bad thing.

6. Stefano Langone He's awesome but his voice isn't extraordinary and he's only really good with ballads, and you know how I feel about ballads, so meh.

5. Scotty McCreery He's country-country, not pop-country, if you know what I mean, but I probably still wouldn't listen to him, but he does have this wonderful tone and he's got a really endearing personality and America will just eat him up, but I'm just not really feeling him.

4. James Durbin I love the whole James/Stefano bromance thing they have going on, and James is an incredible singer and his general social awkwardness is nothing if not appealing, and I basically have nothing bad to say about him.

3. Lauren Alaina Again, nothing negative. She deserves to win, I flove her, she's the only girl I'd consider voting for, so on and so forth.

2. Casey Abrams He's hilarious and one hell of a performer and a brilliant singer.

1. Paul McDonald I KNOW, THIS IS SO SURPRISING. But he's so good and so indie and that tone and he sung Maggie May and Blackbird and Landslide and Come Pick Me Up and those jackets and he listens to Mumford & Sons and Ryan Adams and The Civil Wars and My Morning Jacket and he sings like a dream and dances like a spastic and smiles with his whole face and just makes me so happy.

ALSO, I do actually watch shows other than American Idol, and even if this week's Glee episode seemed a bit pointless... BRITTANA IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME. I'm not big on shipping in the Glee fandom, mostly because my ships are all unlikely to ever be anything remotely resembling endgame (Puck/Rachel, Sam/Kurt, Quinn/Artie) but I've wanted them to be together from the get-go, and here's to hoping that Ryan Murphy doesn't fuck this up too.

Hmm, since I'm feeling verbose today, I might as well rant about not having a computer anymore and having to type on a tiny leedle screen (except for um, right now, because I'm sneaky) and not being able to use sites that aren't compatible with handheld devices (hellll-lo, Tumblr!) and the 24th is two weeks away and that is loooooong.
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