first off- i know i've neglected this community and that's due to lack of time. i apologize. but having said that, i'd like to get to my point:
i am giving this community away
wow, that was hard to say write.
well, what i mean by that is, that i really don't have the time to be an active mod in this community. so i've decided to give the leading role to someone else, who would be willing to post challenges/voting/results/make banners. who ever takes over is free to hire new banner makers/ co-mods or do whatever changes they want to.
i, however, would still (like to) stay on as someone who works 'behind the camera', so to speak- adding affiliates, promoting/pimping, maybe helping out with posting something every once in a while etc.
but i just don't think i have the energy to post a new challenge every single week and just generally running this show. but at the same time i don't want to see this community to die all together..
so, if there is anyone interested within the community, just let me know with a comment to his post.
if there's no one interested, i'll start looking elsewhere.