[Fic] Indefinable (AG) Agito+Ikki

Dec 04, 2006 23:43

Title: Indefinable (?)
Author: Arccie
Fandom: AirGear
Pairing: light Agito+Ikki
Rating: T (for bad language)
Summary: Agito's part of ateam of idiots and he's not sure why.
Author Notes: For tenshineechan. First foray into Airgear...trying to get the characters down. I love Agito, but his dual personality bit is quite hard to portray. The rest of them are almost a side note unfortunately. And the prompt was well...less than important. Oh well I tried. Enjoy.

Prompt:At the drop of a hat.


Not a cloud in the sky and a cool breeze to take the edge off the summer sun. It was the perfect day for sitting back, relaxing and ignoring the team of idiots.

At a new burst of raucous laughter, Agito tilted his head enough to fix one eye on the group, sneer fitting into place.

The amusement appeared to be a result of Ikki and Onigiri competing for the most inappropriate use of ATs.

He’d have to make especially sure that he was in no way ever made to handle their gear, silently directing Akito to also follow this directive.

Which prompted the kid to goddamn frigging sparkle at him. Sparkle. At him.

Brain addled moron.

But I want to touch Ikki’s gear. Innocent joy permeating the thought, but his brighter half wasn’t that naïve.

That’s disgusting. You don’t know where he’ll have had that thing.

Oh, the usual places I imagine, I’m sure we can show him some more interesting places for it. Solemn amusement. When he grows up of course..

Agito turned onto his side, violently pulling at the grass beside his head. You know there’s something wrong in that mind of yours.

Sudden and damming silence, a hollow empty space where light and child-like laughter usually resided. Cursing himself Agito returned his attention to the team hoping the object of his fascination would draw Akito out again.

Ikki flexed his muscles, ATs once again in their rightful place, circling the girls expecting an appreciative audience.

An explorative tendril of interest crept out of the emptiness. Agito’s attention grew more fixed on the teams activities.

Kazu stretched, body folding over itself, knee bent and one leg flung wide. His own admiring audience of one (of which the boy was totally oblivious) staring in rapt attention.

Onigiri riding on his head, blood for once pooling in his brain rather than its usual location in his groin.

Buccha pouting for the lack of walls, but improvising on the scoreboard.

Crow-head attempting to play ten-pin friends with Onigiri’s spare AT, sending the girls scattering like a flock of birds, their chirping laughter reinforcing the impression.

Agito snorted. The kids at play.

Akito’s giggles tickled the inside of his head.

Muscles that had been tensing relaxed at his other half’s returned presence. No longer a shark at sea without its float.

His to protect even as his other held him up.

The inevitable line of thought this consideration invoked interrupted by an obnoxious voice.

“Oi, Agito! I thought you were the one all worked up about Kogarasumaru getting in some practice, but all you’re doing is sunbaking.”

Baring his teeth at the boy, he threw up his hand in a one fingered salute. “Listen dumb shits, you’re the idiots that keep signing on for fights that are out of your league. I’m not here to be part of your happy jolly group of incompetents. I just save your asses because otherwise Akito would cry which is annoying and soggy.”

Ikki leapt up the stairs of the spectator stand, index finger landing in the dead centre of Agito’s forehead.

“Make up all the excuses you like bub, but you’re part of this team. So,” Ikki laid a companionable hand on Agito’s shoulder, leaning in close, “shape up or I’ll sic Akito on you.”

Scoffing at Ikki’s ultimatum Agito leaned back nonchalantly on his elbows. “Can’t do the dirty work yourself, you’re going to rely on my ‘better half’.”

Raising his arms, Ikki clasped his hands behind his head, gazing into the escapes of the sky. “Well, I would kick your ass myself, but then Akito would cry all over me.”

Agito sneered, but levered himself up to a standing position.

The taller boy grinned, a quick flash of white on his face, heartily slapping Agito’s shoulder.

“That’s the spirit.”

Attempting to slap away that intrusive hand, he was narrowly too slow to get the other boy. Ikki leapt from the top of the stand, laughter bright and loud. The boy’s technique was sloppy even if it seemed he almost floated to the ground.

Wistfulness permeated his other’s mind. I want to fly.

That moron can’t fly.

He has the potential to.

Che. Akito was ever idealistic.

His wings will carry us if we believe in him.

Believe in the king of the idiots and be part of his merry band of bigger idiots. Geez, just what he always wanted out of life, one large headache.

The satisfied confidence Akito radiated made it clear that he knew Agito wasn’t being entirely truthful.

Agito directed resigned annoyance at Akito, merely earning himself a joyful giggle.

Kicking an unoffending seat, he leapt from the spectator stand, doing the entire thing much more skilfully than the Crow-head, though it wouldn’t be mistaken as anything but controlled falling.

He wasn’t too sure about whether they’d manage the freedom of the skies as Akito kept harping on about. The guy was an A-grade idiot after all.


Watching Ikki bend over to retrieve Kazu’s fallen hat, eyeing the curve of Ikki’s spine, and the taut material gripping long legs and a tight butt.

His better half could dream of flight all he wanted.

Agito grinned, vicious smile directed towards the sky.

Fuck yeah, he’d stick around to do a piece of ass like that.
Comments appreciated. Criticisms considered. Flames ignored.

Hmm...this was originally highly creatively titled "Agito wants ass". Better title suggestions are welcome.

Is there even a comm for AirGear fic?

airgear, fic, ag/ik

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