[Fic] Taunt (HP) gen

Oct 11, 2006 05:58

Title: Taunt
Author: Arccie
Fanddom: Harry Potter
Rating: G
Genre: general
Summary: Snape goads, Malfoy smirks and Hermione fumes.
Author Notes: For jgal. Sorry this is so late, I have had NO time, and though it was mostly finished by last week, it needed a rewrite before reaching readable level and as I said NO time, stupid major assignments.


"Wait a minute! Professor, surely...you can't be serious about me having to work with HIM on this project?!"

“Of course I don’t expect you to work with him Ms Granger.” Snape’s sneer tilted into a smirk as the girl appeared to heave a sigh of a relief. “You will be working for him. You shall assist him in anyway he deems necessary.”

Hermione gaped at the Professor. “But...but...”

“I don’t need your snivelling Ms Granger. It’s only because of McGonagall’s insistence that you are included in this endeavour at all. Please feel free to waste such an opportunity. I’m sure the world will be better off for it.”

Fierce eyes glared at the professor as her shoulders drew back in indignation. “Sir!”

“Don’t flatter yourself Ms Granger. For all that book learning swimming in your head you are inordinately lacking in other areas. You should consider learning from places other than words on a page. Nobody likes a know it all.”

Her chin tilted up mulishly, eyes glinting proudly. “Fine! I accept the offer.”

“Brilliant. I am sure the world will be a better place for your participation.” Sarcasm dripped from every word. “You’ll need to be here this afternoon straight after classes, a minute later and I’ll assume you’re no longer interested.”

Snape strode towards his office door, his angry strides covering the ground rapidly, although he paused before his door, hand gripping the door knob.

“Oh, and Ms Granger do try not to whine too much. It is entirely unbecoming.” Having had the last word, Snape exited the room with a dramatic flair of his black robes, the slammed door completing his theatrical display.

Hermione made a nasty face at the door, stamping her foot in agitation.

“My my Granger, you wouldn’t want to get stuck with such a face.” A carefully nonchalant Draco Malfoy leaned in the doorway, tapping his chin thoughtfully. “Ah, but with you it might actually improve your looks.” The mocking words fell from Malfoy’s lips at a drawl.

“Shut up Malfoy!”

“Temper temper, just because your blood is inferior doesn’t mean you have to prove it all the time.”

“Well just because you’re a ferret doesn’t mean you have to prove it all the time.”

Malfoy straightened from his casual lean against the door frame, face arrogantly cold as he looked down his nose at her. “I’d watch your mouth Granger. We wouldn’t want to waste this opportunity would we now,” cruel pause, “my slave.”

Hermione’s lips went white around the edges as she bit them to restrain herself from throwing a hex at the blonde. “I’m not your slave Malfoy.”

He smirked at her, confident in his position. “You agreed to do whatever you can to assist me. Sounds like a slave to me.”

Hermione clenched her fists and slowly counted to ten. She was above this. She was not like the infantile git who got off on name calling.

“By your silence I’ll assume you agree. So glad you’ve finally managed to learn your place in the world.”

She would not lower herself to his level. She was above this.

“Oh, do try to remember to be covered head to toe when we meet slave, wouldn’t want you shedding any of your inferiority on my superior self.”

Ok, so maybe she could lower herself a little. “Go screw yourself Malfoy.”

Malfoy shook his finger at her. “Really, language Granger. 10 points from Gryffindor for swearing at a prefect.”

She sneered at him, roughly pushing past him to exit the room, self control at its limit.

“See you later slave.” The words were accompanied by a haughty smirk.

Hermione stopped to look back at the blonde, eyes narrowed in derision. ”Just try not to screw up like always Malfoy. I’m not sure if your father could stand another confirmation his son is a failure.”

She didn’t wait for his reply, quick steps hurrying her towards the great hall.

Having had her own last word, she thought she could see the appeal Snape found in it.

…but God! How stupid had she been to let Snape goad her into accepting a job of working for Malfoy?

Moreover when Ron and Harry found out the degrading things Malfoy was sure to ask her to do, and they would find out because the blonde git would be unable to refrain from bragging…

Well, if Gryffindor had a single point to its name she’d be surprised.

She shook her head determinedly, mind already working on how to make sure Slytherin’s points ended up in the negatives.

It was the least she could do to thank Snape for this opportunity.
Comments appreciated. Criticisms considered. Flames ignored.

Ahhh, on that note, I should probably say that it's never a good idea for me to write about characters I don't like becuase it's hard to resist the urge to have other characters taunt them with their inadequacies. So umm, yeah, the main HP girls are very low on my list of like. Hopefully I pulled Hermione's character out of the quagmire of my dislike though.

So that's 2 requests down 2 to go.

hp, fic, gen

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