Title: Candy Licks
Author Arccie
Pairing: FujiRyo
Genre: general
Rating: T
Summary: Ryoma’s left cleaning up Christmas decorations, and Fuji’s there to hinder his efforts help
Author Notes: For the much loved
meitachi, who wrote many lovely drabbles for many different people for Christmas, is the head of the Thrill Pair Smut Movement and is an all around
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Your smut/foreplay puts shame to mine. I'm not writing any more!! (like I ever was in the first place. *stares at stagnating word document*)
I cannot imagine.
It's the perfect thing to add to a story-telling-impaired Fuji!
As you can tell, Michellu is on a GAHHATEFUJISOMUCH rampage. Akaya~
I'm having my own anti-Fuji time at the moment. I don't hate him he just doesn't have the same appeal he had earlier, esp for writing...*sticks out tongue at Fuji!Muse* see that's what you get if you torture them too much, denial of your existence.
Ooh the shinies! Like Kiri-pet. He needs more love. And Zack/Cloud. This fandom is in need of some definite invigoration.
...smut? foreplay?
*wracks memory*
Ummm...of course, smut...
*looks around wildly*
I think this fic took the turn it did because I was trying to avoid writing smut...though I had a different ending that was getting to be pure smut as I wrote it, but I didn't know what I ws doing with it, so, I might turn that into something else one day.
(Hey, do what I do. Ignore the fic for 9 months, realise you've totally forgotten what had inspired it in the 1st place and make it inspire itself...)
Hehehhh~ You shouldn't avoid writing smut, because you're good at it. *grins*
Mostly I'm happy and squeeful because this is fic from you and that means Good Fic and that's rare.
...as I've written only 2 smut!fic, you're probably referring to LiasonV2. that was fun, if hellishly difficult.
Smut's ok in small doses. I've totally sworn off pwp's though.
Boy you sure know how to butter up someone's ego, don't you? XD
YES LIASONV2. Whyyy? PWP's just as good as things without porn but with plot...in a different way. Um. X)
But it's true. This fandom is missing goodfic!
But PWPs are sooo hard. It's all motivated to give smut, and thus I have to think smuttily, and try not to let it get repetitive, and actually translate pictures to words...plus I love writing character interaction at a more child-friendly level.
A lot of fandoms (except for the big ones like HP, GW, etc) seem depleted in good authors. We really should work on attracting them to the dark side to the glory that is PoT.
*agrees about the PWP thing* Child-friendly. *snorts* You shall be our Induct The Children Into FujiRyo spokesperson. :D
But like Aja's really famous in HP and she ships TezuRyo. Ew.
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