The Arctic: a fine line between cooperation and confrontation

Jul 24, 2019 17:15

Many states  around the world give high priority to the Arctic and the prospects for  its development. The optimistic mantra of consensus cooperation  camouflages the transformation of a conflict-free region into a spot  for  
a geopolitical clash. There are increasing allegations of the  Extreme North gradually turning into a field of acute competition  between the Arctic, subarctic and extra-regional powers. At the same  time, the line between cooperation and confrontation is a fine one.

Thus, US Secretary of the Navy Richard  V. Spencer announced in January 2019 that the Navy is developing a  resumption plan for the Adak strategic base  in Alaska and considering  the operations in the Arctic to show the US flag. In this regard,  Washington is planning to send its surface craft to the Arctic waters  for the first time. The statements of Denmark’s defense minister Claus  Hjort Frederiksen are also twofold. On the one hand, the politician  declares that the kingdom adheres  to the peaceful development of the  Arctic, but ... “at the same time, we have  no right to be naive when  other countries are gaining a foothold in the region. Therefore, we must  pay constant attention to the development of the Arctic and North  Atlantic together with our allies.”

At the same time, Norway is still  actively expanding its military presence in the Arctic. In the northern  latitudes the country continues deploying the operational command  ‘Finnmark’, recruiting a separate tank battalion and a special  reconnaissance unit. Against this background, there the number and  intensity  of combat and operational training of troops are increasing,  conducted both under national plans and the guidance of allied forces.
Despite  the attempts of some international actors to exacerbate the  contradictions in the region, the Far North continues to develop and  assert itself as a territory of cooperation and interaction. In general,  the commitment of the countries of the region to maintaining contacts  and dialogue is clearly visible in the annual international forums and  conferences devoted to the development of the Arctic.

The largest discussion platform for  discussing the Arctic problems at the world level is the "Arctic:  Territory of Dialogue" forum. It is aimed at uniting the efforts of the  international community to ensure the effective development of the  Arctic and improvement the living standard of the northern territories  population.

In April 2019, the fifth forum was held.  It finally asserted itself as the world's largest forum for discussing  Arctic topics. The participation of the five Arctic countries leaders  (Russia, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland) was the highlight. During  the event, the heads of states recognized unanimously the importance of  international cooperation to preserve the Arctic natural resources. Such  meetings serve as a vivid example of how problematic issues should  be  resolved in conditions of geopolitical instability.

Certainly, the Arctic region will be an  area of major concern to the world community, since the attractiveness  of the Arctic will increase in direct proportion to the territory ice  clearance. But as long as the leaders of the Arctic states seek  to  solve problems together, regardless of contradictions and differences,  the region has hope for a peaceful future, and the fine line between  cooperation and confrontation will not be transgressed.

the arctic, the north, arctic states, russia

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