Feb 24, 2007 20:58
Well. To be honest. I want to do something inportant. I was thinking of comming back to Devry, and finnishing what I started. I get tired of living paycheck to paycheck. I need to stop smoking weed. And get my life back on the right track.
Let me explain. I am down in Fremont, for my jail time, and I see all of my friends. They are all about to graduate down here. I could be done now too. Well the interresting thing about all of this is that I have been hanging out at Devry, in the dorms. And I realise, it's not so bad here. The reason I never signed up for the dorms was because they wanted me to take out another loan. I thought it was a bad idea. However, I already have like 15 thousand invested here at Devry. I could invest another 45, and get smart. Get a good job. Then pay it back.
My problem with all of this is, I am afraid of change. I never know what is going to happen to me. I mean, I know where I am at now in Lucerne, I am happy. I have lots of friends, ang a good job.
But the thing is, I want to do something more. I want to be important. I don't want my kids to be like, "My daddy drives a big rig for a living." While some other kids dad is like "Well, my daddy blah blah blah." You know. I want to invent something that will change the world. Or help move the flow of technology to the good side. Fuck all the technology is the world going to war that's a bunch of bull.
Fuck I am tired I am going to go back to walking around. I have to sign into jail in about three hours.
Oh and my little sister had her babay last night. Savannah Renae Rose Abreu. I think I spelled it right. A beautiful little girl with all her fingers and toes. I can't wait to get home and see her.