Meme of Intense Maturity

Apr 01, 2008 23:42

Late to the party as usual, but here's my take on the "Meme of Intense Maturity" acquired from Her Lady Most Majestic of Memes

1.) Put your media player of choice on shuffle.
2.) List the first fifteen songs that come up (skipping titles like "Fugue in D Minor") and add "in my pants" to the end.
3.) Bold the ones that actually made you LOL.

None of mine are as amazing as EGT's "Oscillate Wildly in my pants," but so few things in life are.

My comments are in parentheses.

1. Virginia Plain in my pants (huh)
2. Saga of the Aging Orphan in my pants
3. Voices in My Head in my pants (that makes my brain hurt)
4. Machete in my pants (this sort of frightens me and also makes me sound kinda' badass)
5. White Wedding in my pants (well, can't be worse than that wedding in the bar)
6. I Predict a Riot in my pants
7. Valentine in my pants (John Simm, will you be my Valentine?)
8. Honey in my pants (OK, just...ew)
9. God Willing in my pants (uh, I dunno'...see #7?)
10. She's Lost Control in my pants (this sounds like an ad for Depends)
11. Such Great Heights in my pants (this makes me sounds very tall. I approve)
12. Billy Brown in my pants (who is Billy Brown and why is he in my pants when I specifically invited John Simm?)
13. Robin Hood in my pants (make it Sir Guy and you've got a deal)
14. I Feel Fine in my pants (this sounds very self-help, love the body you're in)
15. Gonna Make You Sweat in my pants (and again I say ew. and also, how do these songs end up on my iPod? are there iPod gnomes?)


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