Twenty Questions Meme

Mar 14, 2008 22:14

I was tagged for this by
earlgreytea68 and she reminded me tonight that I hadn't responded yet, so fine, here it is!

The rules: People who have been tagged post their answers and replace any question they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves. Tag 8 people. Those who are tagged cannot refuse. These 8 people must state who they were tagged by. You cannot tag the person who tagged you.

Everyone I know on LJ has been tagged, so I'm not tagging anyone. I know, I know, 100 years of bad luck...

1. You have 50 dollars in your pocket - what do you do with it?

Gummi bears. All of it on gummi bears.

No, honestly? I suppose I use it to buy lunch throughout the week.

2. What is your most guilty pleasure?

Reading fanfic. I thoroughly respect those that write it, and I am thoroughly ashamed to admit I read it.

3. Are you a plant person?

I love plants but I do better with the sort that live on your balcony in a big container full of their planty friends.

4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?

Anyone who says no to this is a fool. The only thing I am clear on in my future is my eventual death, which sadly must come to us all.

5. What was the last movie you saw, for pleasure, and would you recommend it?

The Bank Job, and yes, it was pretty entertaining.

6. Do you have a secret?

Oh, I'm full of 'em.

7. What is your favourite season or time of year?

I like spring and autumn the best. Nice and moderate.

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?

(Write him a polite letter.) I'd suffer in silence, just as I always have. And probably make a bit of an ass of myself doing a bad job of hiding my feelings.

9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy recently?

Politics. I'm sick to death of them. Also, some friends have been going through some tough times and this makes me sad for them. And also, there's not enough John Simm on my TV at present.

10. If you could have chosen at birth whether to be a boy or a girl, which would you be?

I'd have made an awesome gay man.

11. Which of the 7 Deadly Sins do you think you relate to the most & why?

OK, I want to start by pointing out that The Butterscotch Puma (
bscotchpuma) and I couldn't even think of all seven. I was like, "Hey, what are the Seven Deadly Sins? Sloth, greed, envy...uh...anger? No? I swear one of them is about being mad. Or am I thinking of the Seven Dwarves? Oh god, just google them."

So anyway, I spend a lot of time lusting after sexy British men, which should make me Lust, but I am too lazy to actually pursue any of them, so I guess that makes me...Sloth? Althoooough, I am envious of those who get to be with sexy British men, and angry that I am not, and I want the sexy Brits all for myself, so I guess that makes me Envy, Wrath, and Greed as well. I also enjoy snacks quite a bit. Let's just make this easy and say that whatever I am it isn't Pride.

However, I think that the NEW deadly sins should also be options, in which case I'm going to go with Genetic Engineering because of my whole line of miniature pets--Nanimals (tm) coming soon to a pet store near you!--plan.

12. Thunderstorms--cool or scary?

Very cool as long as I am somewhere where I won't be hit by lightning.

13. Clinton or Obama?

*groan* See #9. I'll be fine either way it comes down, I suppose, but I voted for Clinton.

14. Would you rather be a really good person or a really interesting person?

I can't describe how much I dislike this question. I am a person that strives for balance and yet you keep making me choose, choose, choose! Can't I be moderately good and moderately interesting? I guess in a pinch I would choose "good," but mostly because if I chose "interesting" I'd expect Satan to pop out of my computer and yell, "Haha! Gotcha! Now I'm going to make you Kitten Hitler and you will go down in history as a maniac who tried to exterminate all the cute and fluffy kittens of the world. How's that for interesting, sucker?!"

15. Do you believe in some form of life after death?

Not in the traditional sense, no. Only in the sense that you live on in the memories of others and that we're made of matter that never really stops existing but carries on in some form or other.

16. Which fictional character could you most see yourself marrying?

Psmith from Leave it to Psmith comes to mind, although I'd never get a word in for the rest of my life. And actually, I feel like dating P&P's Mr. Darcy wouldn't be that far off from dating the Butterscotch Puma.

17. Which kind of question do you hate most on these things, ones that force you to choose between two options or ones that ask you about sex?


18. Do you have a motto? If yes which one?

Ars gratia artis. Or possibly Maintiens le droit. Nah, let's go with Dum spiro spero.

I don't really have a motto, no.

19. What type of friends do you have?

Two types: Those who have already done this meme, and those who don't have Live Journals.

20. What place most speaks to you?

Wet, moody places like the Pacific Northwest and Northern England. I like it gray in the sky and green on the ground.

And now dear readers, a bonus question for you, should you dare to answer it!!!

21. You hear a woman crying and turn to see the elderly lady from the jewelry store bent over her husband, who is lying in the street. You help them to their feet.

"We'll be all right," the man says in a shaky voice. "Thank you."

He looks at you with a face full of pain. "What did we do to deserve this?" he asks. "I'm a good German. A patriot! I fought for the fatherland in the last war. And they are liars!" he yells hoarsely. "All that they said was lies."

The couple retreats into their shattered home.

There may be typhoid medicine here, but in the midst of this insanity you've little chance of finding it.

Do you...

Jump to North Africa in 1941. Turn to page 97.
Jump to France in 1944. Turn to page 90.


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