Well, where can I start? As of March 13, 2010 I am the proud new owner of a shiny new Mandau. Gotta say, it has been the biggest goal of mine in FFXI since I started and saw my first relic (think it was an Yochi, Muteki) to actually complete one. And 5 years and a month after I started this game, I finally completed it. Feels good to make a goal that seems so far out of reach. Guess I should to thank everyone who helped, so thanks to Ramyrez for selling me like 2000+ Bynes (for more than I wanted to pay lol), Shinote and BtL for loaning me the final 30 Bynes, Silvin for dragging me into this game and leaving me his account which did help fund a good majority of it (you farmed way too much), plenty of other people whose names I'll never remember that cheered me on or looked me up at random times after getting a few spare pieces of dynamis currency after campaigns, and most of all EQ for helping me every step of the way selling me discounted currency and even going out of their way to help me out financing some of it towards then end despite how much more you could have made for those 6 months if you had sold it normal price. I couldn't ask for a better linkshell especially since y'all somehow manage to put up with my retarded antics on a daily basis. Picture! (Other picture on other computer which is acting up thus no upload to Photobucket, sorry!)
New Stuff!
The server merge hasn't really affected me or EQ too much as a whole. Sure some people lost their names (mind you that does suck and I feel bad for everyone who had to bother with trying to find a new name for up to a few hours) and Equilibrium became EquilibriumHNMLS (Gonna go out on a limb and call someone a dick for that one whoever you might be). Whitegate spam is still the same as always though, there is just more of it and thus more lag.
The new content is amazing though. New VNM/SHNMs, whichever you prefer to call them, is really well thought out. The fights are pretty tough although I wish they could be a bit more forgiving on distance. We lost a Yilbegan pulling it to a cliff when we started to fight it in Sauromogue [S] no more than 4 seconds after popping it. So learn from our mistake, don't pull Yilbegan from the point that you spawn him, or just follow until it gets to a better spot to fight lol.
The Trial of the Magians is brutal. Flat out brutal. I did 1501 Mercy Strokes (I missed one, go figure) on various Buffalo, Variable Hare, and 4 Bonnacons over the span of two days of actually grinding. 500 the first day, 1001 the second day. I got a whopping 1 more DMG on my brand new Mandau though which is pretty good for daggers anyways so I guess it's worth it. Now I just have to do 1500 killshots on vermin-type mobs with Mercy Stroke for the next trial and another +1 DMG to bring me up to a 41 DMG Mandau. Lovely. I really am afraid to see what SE comes out with for the 3rd upgrade and it's associated trial. I've been jokingly saying it would be something like 50 killshots on Nidhogg with Wasp Sting so I hope I didn't jinx myself there. The rest of the weapons are kinda meh for me because I'm not seeing anything that I really want to strive for after the whole ordeal I have to go through with Mandau. No other real amazing daggers/GA/lolswordsforRDM. Unless you count the time that I misread Trial 15 as resulting in a 39 DMG Dagger with 190 delay and Occ. Att. Twice. Dyslexia struck again, it was 18 DMG (Not 18+21 thus the 39 DMG) and 190+21 Delay, Occ. Att. Twice. DMG, Delay, both start with D's amirite?
I guess that's about it though, so I'll be sure to post more pictures and stuff next time I decide to stop being lazy and make a LJ post. Peace.