Dec 03, 2009 13:42
Ok. This will probably be the most informative post I have ever made. Some guy in WG shouts to buy a pair of Marine M Gloves. A retard responds in shout "6M". Marine M Gloves go for ~400k on Seraph currently. Clearly, because someone wants something and you are the only person who has it, they will pay 15x it's current value. This, however, is not the case. I was going to post my amazing MS Paint Supply-Demand Graph along with an amazing and simple explanation, but Photobucket is being a giant bag of ghey. So lets just suffice to say the majority of the FFXI population that is about as smart as a bag of rocks. I was also told I needed to go get my GED after I gradute from highschool. The "you take this game too seriously" retort is sooo old.
Clearly my grammar and spelling is too good so I am going to afk forever to go lern to reed and grammer gud. BYE! :)