
Jun 23, 2010 21:36

No pop, no alcohol, no fast food for all of July. Starting the Paleo diet on the 5th of July. Nothing but protein shakes for breakfast, home-cooked paleo meat and side for lunch and meat/side/dessert for dinner on weekdays. Got the page-long shopping list full of veggies to prove it. Gonna have an epic cookout, then portion out and freeze. Skirt ( Read more... )

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Paleo Diet anonymous June 24 2010, 04:09:49 UTC
(1) I don't feel alcohol has to be given up. In my definition I argue that as long as it is from fermented fruit and diluted to only 6% ABV then it would be paleo.

(2) You can eat at fast food restaurants. You have to order the burgers with only lettuce, tomato, and onions. All single ingredient foods. They will give you water for free. And there may be some fruit slices you can buy.

(3) Protein shakes aren't paleo! Why not good old bacon and eggs? It isn't perfect, as the chemicals in bacon aren't paleo. Besides the current issue of Consumer Reports has an article on protein shakes and many of they have high levels of arsenic, cadmium, and/or lead.

(4) I'd go easy on the honey. To overcome the desire for sweet foods you need to stop eating sweet foods.

This is the way I define paleo: Paleo Diet Introduction.


Re: Paleo Diet dethany June 24 2010, 04:53:57 UTC
The burgers in fast food places are minimally meat - they're full of wheat gluten and filler bullshit that doesn't even come close to conforming to paleo.


Re: Paleo Diet arcsine June 24 2010, 14:37:19 UTC
| this


Re: Paleo Diet etcet June 24 2010, 11:12:48 UTC
As someone who favors sleep over breakfast, protein shakes, while not paleo, are a 30 second solution to a twenty-minute problem.

You could always just have a big fuckin' glass of milk. (where "big fuckin'" = 24oz)


Re: Paleo Diet arcsine June 24 2010, 14:38:51 UTC
Ahh, my shakes = 12oz whole milk + 1 banana + 1tbsp natural peanut butter + ON 100% whey powder. Fuckin' satisfying.


Re: Paleo Diet etcet June 24 2010, 15:25:26 UTC
Yeah, that'll work.

Mine are 16oz water/1%/2% milk, then a couple scoops of whey/casein. I don't have a blender that I can get at easily (small kitchen, entirely too slack about doing dishes, yadda fucking yadda), so that's only usually brought out for frozen-fruit smoothies.


Re: Paleo Diet arcsine June 24 2010, 16:58:20 UTC
I HEARTILY recommend the goddamn delicious combo above with ON Banana Cream flavored powder. Like Mr Pibb and Red Vines, it is crazy delicious.

I use a little Cuisinart stick blender Dawn got me on sale at Sears, just dump everything in a big mug, stick the blender in there, zop bop boopity bop, drink, rinse stick blender and mug, put away for next time.


Re: Paleo Diet arcsine June 24 2010, 14:36:48 UTC
Hey, you forgot to sign this. Who was this?

Well, I'm giving up booze in addition to the Paleo diet, not to conform to it. I know it's where I really mess up on my calorie intake, since a beer is 150 and I know on poker days I'd be putting away 500-800 calories at lunch, then lord knows how much at the delivery dinner. That would be bad enough, but I usually go through 3-6 beers as well, adding up to another 1200 calories. Besides, I know it's just generally healthy, and if I'm going to be on a diet I'll need all the vitality I can get.

As for fast food, it's just too much temptation to eat the bun or get fries, and no matter what it's got SOMETHING bad about it. I've heard the stories from bodybuilders who go to Wendy's and get just a triple baconator and eat it sans bun, but it's also about saving money.

Meh, protein shakes are quick and easy.


Re: Paleo Diet etcet June 24 2010, 15:23:44 UTC
I think that giving up booze (not entirely, but damn fuckin' near) probably contributed as much to my weight loss as anything else I did.

Now, I need to re-flense ten of the pounds I put back on, roughly, to get to where I want to be in terms of body composition. What a goddamned pain inthe ass.


Re: Paleo Diet arcsine June 24 2010, 17:02:07 UTC
It's definitely the easiest way for me to fuck up calorie wise, since it affects your judgement you're like "ennh fuck it, I'm already drinking" and all of a sudden you've downed a whole six pack. Plus there's the whole occasional "wow, do I drink too much?" inner reflection, usually during bottle recycling time. Taking a break will be good for my gut, liver, wallet, and emotional wellbeing.

Dieting is the suck, but if I'm going to get that "goal body" that I've been picturing as my motivation and my plateau point, I'm going to have to take extreme measures.


Re: Paleo Diet etcet June 24 2010, 18:27:24 UTC
One of the side-effects is that, much like losing my taste for soft drinks, I've lost my taste for pretty much all beer, too.

Vodka is still just fine, oddly.


Re: Paleo Diet arcsine June 24 2010, 19:42:12 UTC
...That's a frightening prospect.


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