Jun 03, 2005 11:52
1. What is the most elaborate way you could say yourself dying?
2. What is the most elaborate and exotic way you could kill someone?
3. Is their a pet peeve that REALLY ticks you off? If so, what is it?
4. If money were not an issue, what animal would you have as a pet?
5. Sean Connery shows up at your doorstep, decked out in his old King Arthur outfit, says the world's gone back to the medieval ages, and will soon be coming to an end. What do you do?
6. If you had to take an illness into your body, and there was no cure, what would it be?
7. Who, in your opinion, is the greatest super hero of all time? Not just based on super powers, but personality/alter-ego as well.
8. Of the 5 senses, which could you live without? If you could only live with one, which would it be?
9. Assuming Zombies suddenly ravaged and took over the world and you were going to choose to fight back, what weapons/blunt objects, would you bring with you, and what would you do about the situation?
10. Would you rather be around someone who hates your guts, or someone who is paranoid/depressed and impossible to reform from this mindset?
11. Which stereotypical high school group can't you stand? Which do you think you belong to?
12. Which sin is greater? Lust, or deceit?
13. Has their ever been a time you've liked a character in a movie more than the actor playing them? If so, who?
14. (For the Christians) If you weren't a Christian, what type of person do you think you'd be?
15. (For Non-Christians) If you had to choose a religion/spiritual path, which would it be and why?
16. If a certain race/ethnicity suddenly died off, which would you prefer it be?
17. Can good really exist without evil?