
May 10, 2005 10:25

I have to go into overdrive mode (ff X reference for some) with my school work as of today. I've got like a week to study for finals and bring up all my grades to at least C's. Because of this, don't expect to see me online as much, or to see updates as frequently. Apparently, my parents want me to get a job over the summer, which I’m all for, except I have no transportation and no car even if I didget my license. So, I don’t see why they’d want me to get a job if I can’t even GET there (Yeah, I can take the bus, but seriously). Plus, its going to cut into church stuff a lot and I’ll probably have to forfeit Highway (and 12 under 1), Oikos, or CATCH 22. That’s the number 1 reason I don’t want a job. Oh, and if my GPA isn’t close to a 3.0 by the end of the year, I have to pay for my Kadesh trip so all the money from my job would go towards that…..Sucks indefinitely. Yeah, so this summer should be VERY interesting.

By the way, does anyone above the age of 16 still get grounded? My parents are still doing it and I’m turning 18 soon. The only reason I honestly would still listen to them is because they’re threatening to kick me out if I don’t do everything they say under their home. And while this makes sense, I think the whole grounding thing is a little juvenile. But hey, what do I know right?

It doesn’t help that having the internet, video games, and the ability to spend time with friends all taken away has put me in a position where I think about certain things I wish I could just forget about. I don’t think it’s a bad thing anymore (I’ll have a story up about that later), but I just don’t want to deal with it because it makes me emotional haha.

And we don’t need any “emoness” from the Kire, now do we?

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