If you give a million monkeys a million computers, eventually, one of them will create a LiveJournal

Feb 08, 2004 15:09

So welcome to my LiveJournal. ^^

Over here we have the left side of the screen. _>


...And that's pretty much all we have at this point. -_-

If you're reading this right now you must have been incredibly bored. Unless you're one of those people who actually likes looking at white space. Freak.

Anyway, if this entry has been a complete waste of your time, then please come back again for more of the same! I have no idea when the next update will be and absolutely no clue what sort of crap content it will be filled with. You'll just have to wait a see what sort of wonderful surprises I come up with.



...Shoo bop...

...Shoo bee doo bee doo wop...

...Shoo bee doo bee doo bee doo bee doo wop bop shoo wow b......


What, you're still here?! All right maybe you people can help me out. If you find something you'd like to see posted within this large, empty area, sned me a reply and let me know. Quizzes, polls, pictures, jokes, funny news items, quotes from other LJs...I'll look at (almost) anything! And it's not like I have anything better to kill your time with.

In other news, this past Thursday I ordered R-Type Final from Amazon.com and "The Flight of Dragons" from Barnes and Noble. The very next day I got two confirmation e-mails telling me they've both been shipped. I think it'd be funny to have a race and see which one gets here first. Everybody, place your bets! (no, you won't win anything.)
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