This is going to be a long one deal with it.
Friday 8/11
Got up ridiculously early, for me, at a whopping early 6 am. Took a shower, got my things together and organized. Left my house and walked to the bus stop. Stupid car. Took bus in, wasn’t to crowded. Got to school with time to spare. Went to the JC and got breakfast. Fruit punch and a choco chip muffin. Sat and waited for the shuttle to PW campus. Met up with grandmother by 840ish. Went on way to camp, stopping by doctors office for granddad. Walked to CVS while waiting to get some sinus medicine. Ear trouble, and had not even done much swimming of late. Drove to camp. I love the Cacapon river. Drove over the rough gravel/dirt trail to get there. Most of the gates were already open. Got to camp around 5. Walked up the river with my grandmother as she fished. Continued on my own to the falls. Well technically they are falls, though only about 2 foot drop across the river. Wadded in the ater a bit while watching falls. Climbed on the rock cliff next to the falls. More like bouldering, but got up to around 50 ft. Walked back to camp. Napped around the fire. Fire = the best way to avoid bugs. Dinner was good. Hot dogs, hamburgers, fresh onions and tomatoes, peaches, bananas, and corn. Tasty. Back to the fire after reading some of Discover magazine. Cooked s’mores for me and my grandparents. Aunt Gay and Uncle Ellsworth (Grandma’s brother) didn’t have any. More fire sitting. When I was done came inside and played sodukko till I went to bed on the bed on the porch.
Sat 8/12
Got up around 7ish. River was burbling and covered in mist. Walked up to the falls again. Watched the water flow down and the mist moved up. Breakfast was of pancakes and eggs. After a leisurely breakfast got the green wooden boat out from under the cabin. Hauled it down the bank to the river. Paddled on my own for a few hours. For a while I had my feet in the river drifting along watching the fish and rocks and seaweed under my feet. Then Grandma showed up at the river and I took her out in the boat. She fished and I paddled. Didn’t get any fish. But some sunnies and baby bass did follow the lure and try to get it. Then we drove over the unpaved road back to the local town, Capon Bridge. We picked up some supplies and came back. Then turned around and drove out the main gate to let Andrew and his 3 kids (Shawn 1-2, Erin (about 3), and Chris 5) into camp. When back at camp, I went back in the boat and paddled Chris, Erin, and Andrew around out section of the river. When we were done, I got changed into swim gear. I took our floating lawn chair up to the riffles and threw out an anchor. I then sat in the river. The only sounds were the wind through the leaves and the water down the riffles. While I was in shadow, the tree leaves were bright and glowing green with sunlight and the sky was a clear and cloud free blue. Very relaxing. It calmed me down a lot. I then pulled up anchor and slowly drifted back down to camp. Eventually I got out of the water. I then dried up and helped Uncle Ellsworth bring cut logs to the fire. Dinner was as last night, but with cantaloupe too. Then I cooked smores. By which I also mean looked after kids as they tried to cook smores. No real desire for kids yet. Nope. Sat around the campfire and wrote in journal. Very calming. I do enjoy the lack of civilization.
Sun 8/13
Got up around 6am. Walked up to the falls again with my grandma, this time with her digital camera. Took some photographs. Watched as the sky lightened to pink and finally green. Slowly back to camp. Breakfast of pancakes sausage and left over hotdogs. Chilled for a while. Took grandma fishing on river again. Had lunch. PB and J baby. Then took the kids and Andrew fishing. I caught One fish. Course I only threw out a line twice. Little itty bitty baby bass. I was an illegal fisher. Shhh! Went back to camp. Did my float down river thing again. I so love doing that. Just watching the world oh so slowly go by in a cool calm environment. Just like heaven. Hence the states motto. Or one of them any rate. Packed up and went home. Was able to hitch a ride from my cousin Will, who rocks. He took my from my Aunts farm back to the house. Got to the house and I dropped a bottle. You may say, so what. But I found this bottle at camp. It was an antique coke bottle. Worth a good bit of money I would say… Sighs. Went inside, and holy moley. People were there. My roomies, all of them, even Gitta, as well as Libby Darryl and Kat. They were eating pizza. Basically goofing off. Hung out with them for a bit. Then the none roomies and Gitta left for the night. Then basically went to bed.
Ok on to other things. I got a job todays. Go me. I will now be working at the Apple store with Tab and Will. Back of house too. Which rocks. Good pay too, 10 an hour. So many people work for apple. Hell, my brother works at an apple store up in PA. SO this week I work Wens and Thurs, and then ill work again next week. Not sure when Yet. It should rock. I can afford to pay bills soon. WOO HOO.