The Church down the road has been hit by declining numbers and a Mortgage that continues, the Realestate sign say's it's relocating, but my Cashier down at Fred Meyer say's it's closing, she used to be a Member their.
Back in 1981 I did a Photo Series of Boarded up Churches in Inner City Detroit, I should dig up my Negative Files and see if I still have any of them saved and re-print, One of them I turned in for one of the assigned photo's in my class the Title was something like " There should be more of these", it was back in my Rebelious Athiest Anarchy days.
In other news... A Bible cannot always stop a 45 Cal Round, no mater how strong your faith is...
"Police: Ill. pastor deflected gunshot with BibleBy JIM SUHR - 1 hour ago
MARYVILLE, Ill. (AP) - A pastor shot and killed during his Sunday sermon deflected the first of the gunman's four rounds with a Bible, spraying a confetti of paper into the air during a horrifying scene that congregants initially thought was a skit, police said.
The gunman strode down the aisle of the sprawling First Baptist Church shortly after 8 a.m. and briefly spoke with The Rev. Fred Winters before pulling out a .45-caliber semiautomatic pistol and shooting at the pastor, Illinois State Police Director Larry Trent said.
"We thought it was part of a drama skit ... when he shot, what you saw was confetti," said congregant Linda Cunningham, whose husband is a minister of adult education at the church. "We just sat there waiting for what comes next, not realizing that he had wounded the pastor."
The weapon jammed before the man could fire again, Trent said. The attacker then pulled out a four-inch knife, stabbing himself and two men who tackled him, he said.