
Oct 10, 2016 22:31

So stress, dead friends, corpse stink. Then nonsense and stress with sorting sisters mess. Then I also haven't been looking to self and my own things.

Anyways, today I came across bunny from steam powered giraffe (stop it with the entendre's ;-p ) a new song: malfunction
Worth listening and watching on YouTube, reminded me of a number of things, including days long ago before being beaten up and beaten down by life when I was ye olde worlde goth type, shocking I know, especially as I have been impersonating a mechanical steam engine type restorer selling old engineers tools, I'm just not that much of a guy most of the time, though the restorer bit is accurate,

Anyways, tired of drudge, but
thats life at present, so I listen to bunny and smile for a while,

malfunction spg

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